Retrogade Jupiter

Re: Retrograde Jupiter

There does seem to be a lot of mental stress in your chart. You are overdoing it. You have a T-square in your chart, between Mercury Saturn and Uranus this alone must be placing a heavy nervous/restless energy to the mind.

Then you have to take into consideration your retrograde Jupiter in Gemini 6th. Squaring Uranus in Virgo 8th (more mental stress again) both ruled by Mercury in the 12th which is involved in this T-square.

Please correct if I am wrong, I am not used to working with T-squares, very new.

I will try to interpret your Jupiter for you, but I am only learning so please correct me on anything you think I am wrong about.

You are so generous with your readings around here, so I will try to attempt it.

Shining Ray.
The presence of Jupiter expands the mind. Faith for you is through gathering information in order to weave it into a comprehensive whole and attain understanding. What you have to watch in all of this "gathering" is that you don't get sidetracked by all the distractions that you unavoidably encounter in your interests and travels. These qualities of faith and understanding become critical issues for you with regard to health and work.

What you have to watch out for is mainly overworking or overly concerned with getting it right for this itself can lead to health trouble.

Regarding your Uranus in Virgo changes in work life and health. New requirements and stresses arise and certain occupations and treatments become obsolete.

With all this you have the urge for change and awakening, and the freedom that comes with them, makes itself felt in areas of your life relating to intimacy and sexuality, joint or others resources and hidden causes. These areas are usually very fraught with intense passions and emotions which are hard to control. You are trying to gain some detached, scientific objectivity in all this, and more often than not you have to find just that by being flung into the deep end.

So problems like divorce, tax, or property problems and death itself, present you with the challenge of being detached but not totally unattached, which would pose an emotional problem itself. In the process you can become quite the troubleshooter with respect to such problems, discover important secrets, and ultimately get into the clear as suddenly as you got thrown into the pit.

As if to counter the possibility of your beliefs becoming too dogmatic, you are occasionally but unexpectedly stormed by ideas that make mincemeat out of your former opinions. Paradoxically, the force of such ideas can make you dogmatic about them! You are nothing if not opinionated, but then your philosophy of life is sharp and lively, and up to the minute-but inherently ever changing.

So trying to put all this together - Expanding mind of gathering information and trying to put it all together into a comprehensive whole. There is a lot of overworking the mind. But then you have this tension with Uranus which is looking for awakening and freedom. I think this may be the double edged sword because you gather all your ideas together and Uranus totally changes all your former ideas. Stormed with ideas at one end and as said above totally making mincemeat of what you formerly thought.

I think Uranus may be causing the trouble with putting sentences together Uranus seems to be disassociating from your mental faculties causing difficulty concentrating and with short term memory. A false detachment.

With Jupiter you are internalizing all of this. Not sure if you can make sense out of this you might gain some new ideas on the problem.

Shining Ray
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Mutable T-Square

Carol Rushman Art of Prediction- People with Mutable T squares also have an energy to achieve but it is more conscientiousness. These are the people who dot their i's and cross their t's. They're highly creative and flexible. I have noted many times they are adult children of alcoholics, or there is some issue around drugs, addiction or weight management in their environment (often connected to the parent or sibling). The mutable T-Square child is many time the hero-child of a dysfunctional family. Often these children come from single parent homes where they had to take a lot of responsibility as a young child.

They are chameleons who absorb energy and reflect it back. On the plus side, mutable T-Squares can often create a drive for perfection, enormous creativity, and a great versatility. All T-Squares are distinct drivers for good or bad.

Just a little information on a Mutable T.Square again you may already know this. The thing when relating information to people you are unaware if they have it or not.

I just thought I would throw this in. I do this myself just add random information in the hope of bringing it all together.

Shining Ray


Well-known member
Re: Retrogade Jupiter--To Shining Ray

Thanks for the insight, Ms. Ray.

That does pretty well sum it up. I am under extreme mental stress, and have been for years. And you described one of my biggest problems very well : A storm of ideas on one hand, and somethng making mincemeat out of them on the other. I can have a total epiphany and be completely clear and then later in the day, I find that a "cosmic eraser" (as I call it), has wiped out the remembrance of what I was formerly clear on. Thus I am thrown back into the whirlpool. Like I said, if I didn't write it down, I would have little or no recall of things at all.

Also, I should probably mention that alot of this is, ( I think) "channeled information", downloads from someone on the other side who wants me to have this information. It is very helpful and full of light. Yet I think I have a fear of this process of getting information. I don't know where it comes from.
Or maybe it's just that the information I'm being given isn't "sticking" to me, like I'm subconsciously rejecting it, even though I know it's good.

Just theorizing.... (sigh).....

p.s. Are you quoting from a book? If so, would you mind telling me which one? It sounds good.
Book Recommendations

Yes I quoted it from the book by Lyn Birkbeck The instant Astrologer. I also have his other book Enlisting the Aid of Planetary powers Divine Astrology. I personally highly recommend them. He is my new favourite Astrologer. I will be getting his other books when I have the money.

Shining Ray


Well-known member
Re: Derived houses, to 23

wilsontc said:

You said:

This is an example of "derived houses". Derived houses are house meaning created by counting the houses in the chart beginning from some place other than the Ascendant. The 11th house is the house of "step children" because the 11th house is the 5th house (children) away from the 7th house (relationships). So the children (5th house) of our relationship (7th house, here used as the "1rst house") is in the 5th house from the 7th house (the 11th house).

In a different house,


I get what you mean.
I was hypothesising before I read your response that it might have had something to do with being simply on the opposing side of the chart, in that they are not necessarily part of you (not your creation, you didn't get birth to them) but are still a part of your closest community if you know what I mean.
Re: Retrograde Jupiter

Hey 23,

That is exactly what I thought it was, I was thinking well opposite your Ascendant is you partner. Opposite money is other people's money, so I also thought opposite your own children is other children. Although I can't remember how you count your own children through the chart. I have it in a book somewhere.

Shining Ray