Transit Neptune trine natal Venus


Well-known member
What were your experiences while this transit was going on in your chart? I have read many wonderful things about it and I'm hoping that they are true for me :love: Transit Neptune in Pisces (in the 1st house) trining my Venus in Libra (8th house) - I was always kind of confused with what the 1st house truly entails - it isn't quite clear to me. I know it has something to do with my image/appearance, but I'm sure there is more to it than that. Both planets are in their home sign..what is the most likely outcome of this? In general..I know other transits count as well, but just interested in a simple (I guess 'cookbook') meaning of this. If you need my natal chart fora visual, please let me know :kissing:

Thank you in advance


Well-known member
On its own, this should be a very idealistic time or you, especially where relationships are concerned. Just be sure to keep your feet on the ground, however, because once this transit passes, the reality may look less glamourous. This is also a good time for artistic expression.