How to evolve Mars in 8th House?


Well-known member
This description of Mars in the 8th house is quite true for me:

"An eighth-house Mars can be a challenging placement. Mars represents the "will" of the chart holder. When Mars is in the eighth house of give and take in the world and intimate relationships, it can get intensely frustrated. Mars has the most difficultly letting go of its own needs and wants because its whole purpose is to satisfy the will of the chart holder. When the will seeks satisfaction through other people and things which are beyond anyone's control in the world, it will constantly get stifled by obstacles and road blocks."

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This is true for me even in non-intimate relationships. I get extremely frustrated when I can't get what I want out of the interaction. I've never thought of myself as someone who seeks things "through others," but the more I think about it, the more I realize I DO get unbelievably annoyed when I don't get what I want from other people.

One way I see this playing out is with my Libra moon and ASC opposing (by sign, not aspect) my Aries Sun and Venus. Having these sign oppositions in my chart is a real buzzkiller. I'm either angry and fighting beyond all reason (my Aries side) or being too passive with people because I want to be liked (Libra side). It's a conundrum I have to solve soon, but it's interesting to think about how my Mars fits into all this.

Mars is supposed to be the planet that represents how we get what we want; it's our will. Well, when I'm being super Arian my Mars gets very blunt and cutting. I will say exactly how I feel, sometimes more and never any less, haha. And when I act like a Libra, I speak sweetly and more persuasively, careful not to cause offense. In BOTH situations, I get extremely, insanely mad and frustrated if I don't get what I want--if I don't "beat" the other person (Aries) or if the other person doesn't like me (Libra). The problem is, I don't know how to fix this! I don't know how to "let go" without subverting my Mars and being completely passive. I NEED to act, but according to that description, I won't succeed if I try too hard.

So where's the balance point? How do you go after what you want with focus and determination while also "letting go" of the need to get what you want?
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I have an 8th house Mars as well, in Taurus, with Libra ascendant opposite Aries Moon. I relate to this so much! I don't have any advice other than to be patient. My rule is to count to 10 before reacting in any way. It's very frustrating to deal with his type of energy.