Spring Equinox 2008

This week there will be the equinox of spring in the northern hemisphere and the equinox of autumn for the southern one.

It will take place in Mexico on 19th of march at 23.48 .

The horoscope of ingress shows aspects which suggest big needs of expansion and great tension in showing authority.

Compassionate dialogues could be possible with a conjunction of Venus and Mercury in Piscis.

We could remember that the work inside of oneself is a good job done.

The best start for this astrological year for everybody.


New member
Um I'm really new to astrological charts. I know that my sun sign is Libra, My moon is in Aries and my assendent is in Pieces. So what does this mean, if anything, for me in this new time, Spring equinox?

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Barbara Hand Clow has released her Spring Equinox report on AstroFlash!, if anyone is interested.

Hi, Um I'm really new to astrological charts. I know that my sun sign is Libra, My moon is in Aries and my assendent is in Pieces. So what does this mean, if anything, for me in this new time, Spring equinox?

Since this is the Astrology Now! board, I suggest that we keep the discussion of the Spring Equinox chart general; if you are specifically interested in how the Spring Equinox may personally affect you, I would create a new thread in Predictive Astrology. This thread could assist you, though; create the Spring Equinox chart for your current location and then compare it to your natal chart using a synastry chart. If any planets form tight major aspects to your natal planets, then you may be affected by the energies until the Summer Solstice. I've never used such charts in personal predictions, and even more specific charts such as the solar return chart have not proved helpful to me in predicting events.

I suppose it's still worth a look, though ;)

Arian Maverick

P.S. If you have an Aries Moon, look to see when the Sun will conjunct your natal Moon; I imagine this would have something like a "New Moon" influence for you and be a time of new beginnings, which goes along with the entire Spring Equinox theme.