Should I move to an apartment?


Well-known member
Hey all,

I live in Boston in the college dorms where I go to school. 3 of my friends have asked me if I want to join them in renting an off-campus apartment. I'm wild about the idea, but I'm afraid I won't have the means to live in such an expensive city. So my question is: Should I make the final decision to move into an apartment with my friends?
Or better yet, is it a good idea to move into an apartment with my friends?

I asked the question on April 2nd at 4:27PM in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

The ascendent is in Virgo at 4"11" making the ruiling planet Mercury, who is in the 7th house under Pisces. The 7th house is representative of roommates! I'm not sure what that means, but I do know that the full moon in the second house...the place where you can find all of what I value as well as my monitary resources. This scares me. But then again, the full moon could just be highlighting the need to examine the situation.

I just know this chart might be extra touchy due to the fullness of the moon.

Any help is appreciated at this time.


Well-known member
Why did you consider the 7th House to rule over roomates? If these people are your friends I would suggest using the 11th House or 3rd House (If they are only common friends). If there is reception between the Lord ofthe Ascendant and the Lord of the 11th you will get along with them, especially with a positive aspect between the two. The 7th House rules enemies and opposers. The 7th House will rule over the lease you are obtaining and the fact that Mercury is placed htere is a good sign that youll take it. It is debilitated in its Fall and Detriment in Pisces so it may not be as smart of a decision as you had planned. Of course you need to check the other dignities and debilities before making that judgment (if its positively aspected by Jupiter and other dignities it may make it beneficial). Hope that helps!


Well-known member
well....all of your information proved helpful, astro.teacher...but shortly after posting this, I realized that the people I'd be moving in with would be pretty untrustworthy. Today's been such a hectic day of ups and downs and fights etc between EVERYONE. Blame it on the moon.