What Happened to My Biological Father?


Well-known member
This has plagued me all my life.
I've been searching for Biological Father since I was 21.
When I was 12 I asked My Mother if Robert was my real father? She replied Of course he is, what a stupid question . My Intuition told me he wasn't, but my mother wouldn't lie.
My Mum got married and had 2 sons to Robert.
On my birth Certificate , Robert is on it as my father, so it must be correct.
My Birth wasn't registered till I was 7 years old.
When I turned 21, Mum gave me a Verbal gift, She told me Robert wasn't my real Dad.
I blew her Up, and said "WHY DID YOU LIE?" she said "you were too young to know..
Now every time I ask her about my Biological Dad, she refers to him as an arsehole, not worth worrying about.
I've looked at my chart over and over. I got the arabic part of father at Cancer 26deg H9. I don't know how to interpret this.
Question: Is there anything in my Chart about my father?
I'd Appreciate it so Much..
Love and Light
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