What is wrong with my health?


Well-known member
Hi FL,
its good to know that you've stood up against your hardships and fought them straight on..this is the kind of attitude we need...
funny you should mention that you have venus and mars in your ascendant..
because your middle lord is venus..and it provides you the 'will' to choose.
In nadi..contrary to popular belief..you CANNOT change and repeat CANNOT change your destiny if you DONOT have 5s 9s and 11s (house numbers) in your chart as they are the grace of God...
back in 2002, you didnt have those numbers so you had to struggle..now your Venus (firstly a benefic in itself) has a lot of 5s 9s and 11s so it gives you the strength to Change your status..(though VERY few people have the will or the tenacity to change it)...
and yes your mercury (third boss) and Moon (1st boss) all have numbers 7,8 signifying your leg area...i would suggest..repeating the leg exercise 2-3 times a day...and try Not to crave for the Salt..the salt makes the Moon take control..and thus you won't be able to fight the karma..
and DONOT stop wearing your diamong...
the south node would start progressing from 8th nov till 14th dec..after that Sun would come bringing back good health and optimism..your SOUL..and SPIRIT...
The problem with South Node according to Nadi is..that it brings Surprises..
it hits when you least expect it..and would bring out the best in a person..both the nodes are very Practical and they will hit you if you've been bad and they will protect you if you've been good...so you can't normally says..what's going to happen...
people have reportedly become suddenly rich or lost everything during the progression of the nodes...
wow you are really blessed..you got the chart with the nodes on the ASC/DESC..that means your guidance is trying to tell you something...but what?

Also I would very much like to know about the reason for the root cause...of all this...and i am sure it would span atleast 2 lifetimes..as you were crucified wrongly in your previous one too..so you are bearing the scars of previous lives...

may god give you all the strength...


Dear Freedomlover
I really feel for you and can relate to your situation in several ways.I was in the same boat for years and have finally regained most of my health after 10 yrs of working at it.The drs didn't have any answers other than antidepressants and pain meds which I wanted no part of.I started researching online and I thank God for the computer and a medical astrology class I took.Otherwise I would probably still be in bed and so much worse.
In looking at your chart from a medical astrology point here is what I see.
You have several hard aspects to your mercury.This can indicate thyroid problems.I know the usual reference for thyroid is venus but mercury is also indicated with thyroid problems.Pluto also has many hard aspects and this is shown as endocrine problems and can be from toxins, something systemic in the blood as a bacteria or fungus etc as pluto rules these things.Starting in 2000 or possibly a little earlier Pluto crossed over your Neptune/Mars midpoint at 15 Sag,this midpoint is known as the point of toxicity in a persons chart.This could have triggered the thyroid or exacerbated a subclinical thyroid problem since your mercury also sits on this midpoint at 16 Sag.I don't know if it was psychic toxins,chemical toxins or what ,but it was something Pluto ruled.We have much in common as I have my Neptune /Mars midpoint at 13 Sag and when pluto crossed this and squared my mercury ,this is when I got sick,which was also shortly after having my amalgams removed which exposed me to a lot of mercury.If you have a cavitation ,which is what I think you were referring to in your post ,this can poison your whole body.Also you could have high levels of mercury from the amalgams.You might say well I've had these things for years and not been sick,BUT when we have emotional trauma and major stressors these will be the straw that breaks the camels back.Your body may have been handling various things that were not healthy but there is a breaking point and trauma and stress tend to be the triggers.
I've spent the last 10 yrs researching and talking to people with CFS,fibro,metal toxicity..Sadly orthodox medicine will not be able to address the problem because they are stuck in the AMA box which does not recognize things like mercury toxicity,environmental illness,systemic candida,or sub clinical endocrine problems .The other problem is most drs only do a TSH test for thyroid and this is very antiquated in terms of todays hypothyroid epidemic.I have a very serious thyroid problem and my tests were always normal so it took a long time to figure out that my thyroid was badly effected by mercury because blood tests only show what is in the blood ,not what is getting into the cells.This is called thyroid resistance and can be caused by mercury,chlorine,fluoride,or bromine for starters.It is similar to insulin resistance but again only recognized by alternative drs at this point in time.Allopathic drs have a tendency to treat lab tests ,not patients.This is why so many patients are just sent away with meds to cover the symptoms and nothing to heal with.
I would suggest you do a morning temperature,this is one of the easiest things to do in starting to find a thyroid issue.If your temperature is below 97.8 on a consisitant basis,you have a thyroid problem.If you are still menstruating don't take your temperature while ovulating as this will give a false reading due to temperature rise during ovulation.Take it after you start your menses for 2 weeks on awakening, and keep a record.A complete thyroid panel might show if there is a problem but the standard TSH T4 won't.
There is an epidemic of hypothyroidism today and it's one of the reasons so many people are on antidepressants when they should be on thyroid meds.I'm very jaded with the medical system as they are pretty much controlled by BigPharma and if we end up with Universal Health care,we won't have any choice other than cut burn and poisons to treat illness.Drs no longer have medical curiosity or enjoy the challenge of tracking down a problem.Most go into the profession for the money ,not because they like medicine...........I mean who in their right mind would choose to be a proctocologist.....LOL
I could write a book about all of this but don't want to overwhelm you .........I know how easily you can feel overwhelmed.The bottom line is I think you have a thyroid problem that may have been caused by some pluto type thing such as a toxin,chemical,candida, bacterial or fungal.I was a vegetarian for over 10 yrs and my health just got worse and worse so you might want to reconsider your diet choice.If you would like some websites to research to back up what I am saying,let me know ,or if you would like to talk sometime let me know and I'll give you my phone #.There is a really good CFS dr in North Carolina who had CFS himself.I can find his name if you are interested.You need someone who knows about CFS otherwise you will just be sent home and eventually told ,it is all in your head.


Well-known member

Thanks so much for taking the time to look at my chart and explain all of that. It has a been a tremendous help.

You wrote:

You have several hard aspects to your mercury.This can indicate thyroid problems.I know the usual reference for thyroid is venus but mercury is also indicated with thyroid problems.Pluto also has many hard aspects and this is shown as endocrine problems and can be from toxins, something systemic in the blood as a bacteria or fungus etc as pluto rules these things.Starting in 2000 or possibly a little earlier Pluto crossed over your Neptune/Mars midpoint at 15 Sag,this midpoint is known as the point of toxicity in a persons chart.This could have triggered the thyroid or exacerbated a subclinical thyroid problem since your mercury also sits on this midpoint at 16 Sag.I don't know if it was psychic toxins,chemical toxins or what ,but it was something Pluto ruled.

This is very interesting. The past life trigger from the lifetime where I was burnt as a witch because of my communication with the spirit realm, etc, was triggered in 1999. I nearly lost my mind so many times. I was walking in a whirlwind of mental pain and confusion. I was just beginning to walk a spiritual path and follow my Guidance. Then "Wham!", all these people in the church started telling me that I wasn't hearing from God - that I was making it up or listening to an evil spirit,etc. This began a little bit around late fall 1998/ Spring 1999, but it hit full force in late June, early July 1999. August was bad, too, around the time of the eclipse that year. The rest has pretty much been fallout from that time. I have event charts for the times that the trigger happened.(Wasn't into astrology at the time, but the times are emblazoned in my memory.)

It's also interesting that a friend of mine, who was in "the church", but had psychic abilities (Don't let her hear you call them that! Horrors!), told me this as early as Spring 1999: She said, "God is showing me that you have a spiritual attack on your thyroid." Around that time I had also lost about 20 pounds without any change in diet or exercise, in the space of about a month or two. (Went from 130 to 110 - I'm 5'9"). I gradually gained back up to around 130-140, and stayed there until I lost my home and had to live with guys I didn't want to live with. ( as mentioned in previous post).

So anyway.... I think it's pretty safe to believe that it was psychic toxins, whatever that is. Although there was probably some normal exposure to chemicals through food, personal products, etc, which may have exacerbated things.
If you have a cavitation ,which is what I think you were referring to in your post ,this can poison your whole body.Also you could have high levels of mercury from the amalgams.You might say well I've had these things for years and not been sick,BUT when we have emotional trauma and major stressors these will be the straw that breaks the camels back.Your body may have been handling various things that were not healthy but there is a breaking point and trauma and stress tend to be the triggers.

A cavitation! Yes, that's it! It has been 9 years, I couldn't remember the word. Yes, the dentist who specialized in amalgam removal said that the cavitiation had to be healed or it would compromise my immune system. I think he said that even under the best of procedures, there was still some Mercury released into the system, and my immune system did not need to be compromised in any way.

I'm very familiar with the problems with mercury in amalgam fillings. Right before all this happened, I was being treated by Dr. John Garvey, who wrote a book on the subject. I was recommended to him by a friend who had some nebulous disease that was diagnosed by allopathic physician's as Multiple Sclerosis, and was told he'd be in a wheelchair the rest of his life. In his efforts to get better, he stumbled on the info from the Mercury in amalgam fillings. He went to a regular dentist to have them removed, which released a flood of mercury into his system.( as you described happened to you.) He went psycho and was pretty incapacitated by it for awhile. This led him to Dr. Garvey, who gradually straightened him out. His health is pretty normal now. (It took about 10 years, though). Anyway, I said all that to say: I believe you!
This is called thyroid resistance and can be caused by mercury,chlorine,fluoride,or bromine for starters.

That's interesting, because I have felt the urge to try to avoid drinking chlorinated, flouride water and to not use toothpaste with flouride in it.
I would suggest you do a morning temperature,this is one of the easiest things to do in starting to find a thyroid issue.If your temperature is below 97.8 on a consisitant basis,you have a thyroid problem.

I did this under the supervision of a holistic doctor under Dr. Wilson, who discovered the "Wilson's Temperature Syndrom" thyroid problems. I was a little low, but did not low enough to diagnose me with Wilson's, which may be what you are referring to.

I'm very jaded with the medical system as they are pretty much controlled by BigPharma and if we end up with Universal Health care,we won't have any choice other than cut burn and poisons to treat illness.Drs no longer have medical curiosity or enjoy the challenge of tracking down a problem.Most go into the profession for the money ,not because they like medicine........

I agree with you entirely. I only thought about going to the clinic out of desperation, in the hopes that something might be uncovered. I'm all for holistic healing - allopathic only in cases of like surgery or broken bones, for the most part.

The bottom line is I think you have a thyroid problem that may have been caused by some pluto type thing such as a toxin,chemical,candida, bacterial or fungal.

I think you're right on the money -might not be all, but a big part of it.
However, the way my "bells" were going off when I read about the psychic toxins and the way the time frames matched up - I think the problem is going to be an energetic problem that needs addressed. It doesn't seem that anything physical is going to heal until that is healed first.

There is a really good CFS dr in North Carolina who had CFS himself.I can find his name if you are interested.You need someone who knows about CFS otherwise you will just be sent home and eventually told ,it is all in your head.

That would be great if I could get to him, or had money to pay for the visit. Sigh....

Thanks for all your help, Indigo! You've been a real dear!



Well-known member
Hi Freedomlover,

I believe I have mentioned this to you before but your symptoms are 95% of what I have...neurological Lyme Disease.

In fact, I just visited my Lyme doctor today and we were discussing President Bush's diagnosis last year and how he currently has an ear infection. My doctor said that it is extremely rare for an adult to have an ear infection UNLESS they have Lyme disease. The Lyme bacteria sometimes like to reside somewhere near the ear canal or something, is what I recall him saying.

I know that your budget is limited so that accurate testing (through Igenex lab) is out of the question. But I hope something can be done so that you feel better soon!


Glad to hear I was of some help.
It would be worth looking into finding a way to replace some thyroid hormone.I hate medications but this is a natural replacement for something that your body needs so I do feel differently about replacement vs medicating with something the body has never experienced.It's possible that something might show up on a full thyroid panel of which the most important is Free T3 and Free T4.
Antibodies are also important as they will show if your thyroid is autoimmune called Hashimotos.
Insist on having these tests not just TSH or T4.
Getting enough thyroid gave me my life back and would help you unless you feel that the energetic healing won't be too far off.
It is pure hell trying to function the way you must feel.
I still have to pace myself very carefully.I have not detoxed all of the mercury but the thryoid meds have made up for the damage the mercury caused and allowed me to function and feel pretty normal.
The temperature thing is Wilson's but I found that a lot of people with low thyroid have low temps ,this was first discussed by Dr Broda Barnes in his book Hypothryoidism the Unsuspected Illness.You might find a copy in your library it is an interesting read.
Please don't hesitate to ask for any references etc if you need to .


Well-known member
Allie b,

Yes, you are right, you did say that about this time last year. The problem is that I've been stranded in the same podunk town without funds for the last year. Thanks for reminding me though... When I'm finally able to get to a doctor, I will bring this information to his/her attention.




Well-known member
I meant to mention that the Lyme attacked my thyroid and made me gain about 50 pounds, even though I was eating relatively healthy and exercising like crazy.

It was my Lyme doc who finally put me on Armour Thyroid last year and I've lost about 30 lbs.

Many people with Lupus, CFS, ALS, Fibromyalgia, actually have Lyme Disease. It's called the "great imitator".

After a little over a year of treatment by a Lyme specialist, I am feeling a lot better.

Lyme docs are rare though, and neurologists and infectious disease docs are clueless when it comes to Lyme. Even with the president, he's supposedly "cured" but has a sinus and ear infection in the middle of August. That's very suspicious.

There's supposed to be a documentary coming out this year called "Under Our Skin" that's all about the subject. Sorry to be hijacking the post and talking about "Lyme" rather than "Astrology". :eek:


A comment on Lyme.
Allie have you been tested for mercury levels?
A lot of mercury toxic people have numerous infections because of what mercury does to the immune system.Most of the mercury toxic people I know have low thyroid and candida.Many have Lyme,various autoimmune diseases and mycoplasma.These are all Pluto/Neptune type issues and they all can cause brain fog,fatigue,pain,ADD etc etc etc.
Mercury is also known as the great imitatior.


Well-known member

You wrote:
funny you should mention that you have venus and mars in your ascendant..
because your middle lord is venus..and it provides you the 'will' to choose.
In nadi..contrary to popular belief..you CANNOT change and repeat CANNOT change your destiny if you DONOT have 5s 9s and 11s (house numbers) in your chart as they are the grace of God...
back in 2002, you didnt have those numbers so you had to struggle..now your Venus (firstly a benefic in itself) has a lot of 5s 9s and 11s so it gives you the strength to Change your status..(though VERY few people have the will or the tenacity to change it)...
and yes your mercury (third boss) and Moon (1st boss) all have numbers 7,8 signifying your leg area..
That describes what has happened pretty well. Back in 2002, I did not have much understanding in how to overcome tests....I was pretty much being blown wherever the wind decided to blow me. I feel I am very close to a major change with the Venus thing.
the south node would start progressing from 8th nov till 14th dec..after that Sun would come bringing back good health and optimism..your SOUL..and SPIRIT...
The problem with South Node according to Nadi is..that it brings Surprises..
it hits when you least expect it..and would bring out the best in a person..both the nodes are very Practical and they will hit you if you've been bad and they will protect you if you've been good...so you can't normally says..what's going to happen...
That's very interesting! According to astrologer Jan Spiller, there is a window of opportunity for hope and wishes when the Sun is transiting your 11th house. This happens to coincide with my solar return, as my Sun is in my 11th. It begins around the 12th of November until about December 6th, or something like that.

the nodes are very Practical and they will hit you if you've been bad and they will protect you if you've been good
Oh! So they work like Santa Claus? ;)

people have reportedly become suddenly rich or lost everything during the progression of the nodes...
I wonder where the nodes were when I lost everything......

Also I would very much like to know about the reason for the root cause...of all this...and i am sure it would span atleast 2 lifetimes..as you were crucified wrongly in your previous one too..so you are bearing the scars of previous lives...
You pretty well summed it up.

Thanks for everything, Sandeep!


It would be worth looking into finding a way to replace some thyroid hormone.I hate medications but this is a natural replacement for something that your body needs so I do feel differently about replacement vs medicating with something the body has never experienced.It's possible that something might show up on a full thyroid panel of which the most important is Free T3 and Free T4.
Antibodies are also important as they will show if your thyroid is autoimmune called Hashimotos.
Insist on having these tests not just TSH or T4.
Getting enough thyroid gave me my life back and would help you unless you feel that the energetic healing won't be too far off.
I will keep all of this in mind, for when I'm able to see a doctor who'll use a holistic approach. I really, really do think there's something that just hasn't shown up on tests so far, especially once I remembered the girl from church telling me there was a spritual attack on my thyroid back in early 1999. So it's been going on for at least 8 1/2 years, maybe longer. Even if the energetic core is removed, there is probably a lot of residual damage in the physical body from it going on this long. That holistic doctor that I saw the one time about the Wilson's said something like: "Once you take your finger out of the electric socket, there's still healing that has to take place."

It is pure hell trying to function the way you must feel.
I'll put the book on my reading list for when I make it to Barnes and Noble.

Thanks again for all your help, Indigo, and for sharing your experiences! I hope that you continue to heal from all of the nasty Mercury effects.

Exactly! I'm relieved that someone understands!



Well-known member
Okay, an update...... Unless something changes that I'm not aware of....
I'm back to square one.

I called my mother's friend today. She said that I could come and stay while I was being treated... however she hadn't driven in 4 years now. She lives on top of a mountain, and it's a mile to the nearest stop that public transportation would pick up.

However.... it was odd that when I started telling her about the organization I planned on going to she had this to say:
She said that her neighbor(her good friend) used to work there. She didnt' come right out and say "Don't go there", but was rather discouraging. Also, she said that you had to wait for hours to be seen. I can't physically do that. I tried once at another clinic, and had to give up halfway through because I was just too exhausted.

When I explained what I had been through so far with not being diagnosed, she said, "It sounds like you need someone that will really dig and get to the bottom of it - someone who will put some time in with you." And you know, she's right. Then I came and read the post Indigo had made about needing a doctor who understands. It's very possible I would be wasting my time and energy going to this clinic. It may not be different from all the rest. I think I will hold out to try to get to a holistic doctor.

So, we left it as "I could come and stay if I decided to get treated there, and IF I had my own vehicle" (Which I do, but again... at least $800,maybe more to get it on the road.) So, I guess I'm staying here awhile longer... sigh.

.....Although I do keep getting this gut feeling that something is going to happen kind of "out of left field" that will open things up. I'm wondering if something eclipse related will be the factor. The August 28 eclipse takes place exactly on my natal POF, forming an exact t-square with my North and South Nodes. The September 11 eclipse takes place on my natal Uranus/Pluto conjunction opposition Chiron. These eclipses are on the Virgo/Pisces axis, which rules health. Any thoughts?

To: Allie B

Don't worry about getting off-topic on this thread. It's really on-topic, because I asked "What is wrong with my health?", and Lyme could possibly be part of what is wrong with it. Your input is very much appreciated.


Well-known member
hey i was reading indigo's post and my subconscious kicked in...and like always..i found a link for mercury related toxins....from this same forum....just by chance...didn't have to look for it....in a post for crop circles

here it is FL, maybe you can see if something's near you
some of which could be interesting

Dental amalgams: mercury content
Dental amalgam capsules
Dental amalgam sewage
Dental amalgam waste water



Well-known member
you said
Oh! So they work like Santa Claus?

hehe...yeah...but you can still fool santa claus with a loving letter and those teary eyes
but not the nodes..they're going to hunt you down and give what you deserve...



Senior Member, Educational board Editor
Freedom, I'm just a bit concerned that the *thing coming from left field*might not be necessarily a good thing (and bear my cappy asc in mind here....rather cautious). I am thinking a new horary might be emerging from this...perhaps along the lines of *what can you do to address the health issues... or something to do with *actions*....just a thought and only you know what kind of guidance will help you most here....we are but students here....learning, like you.But I'm sure you will find we all want to help you as much as possible...Lillyjgc


Well-known member
I'm ok with regards to mercury. My Lyme doc actually has a specialty in environmental illness so at first meeting he checked out the number of (mercury) fillings I had, and he believes I shouldn't have a problem. If he thought I did, he would have run mercury tests and had suggested I have them removed etc...he's into that kind of thing.:)

It's sure that it's true that Lyme can feel the same as mercury poisoning. I seriously thought I was poisoned or something with my long list of symptoms. And it's also true (as my doc said the other day) that getting Lyme in the first place has to do with something wrong with one's immune system (he said something to that effect). I was diagnosed with mycoplasma as well. When your body is fighting a bacteria (lyme) it runs down your immune system so that you can catch many other different things as well. Happy day!;)

They are Pluto/Neptune issues? How would this be reflected in everyone's charts who have these health problems?

indigo said:
A comment on Lyme.
Allie have you been tested for mercury levels?
A lot of mercury toxic people have numerous infections because of what mercury does to the immune system.Most of the mercury toxic people I know have low thyroid and candida.Many have Lyme,various autoimmune diseases and mycoplasma.These are all Pluto/Neptune type issues and they all can cause brain fog,fatigue,pain,ADD etc etc etc.
Mercury is also known as the great imitatior.


These clinics are opening all over the US.I know you don't have the funds at this time but at some point you may be able to use their services.Maybe they do a payment plan or charge card.Gotta brain storm on how to get help financially.
Here's the site for these clinics.
They address Lyme,thyroid resistance,mercury etc.
Here is the link where they explain all of this.

Also you could go to a regular clinic and see if they would do an extensive thyroid panel maybe the thyroid problem would show up and then you could get on meds and it would help a lot.
If you are hypo for years it causes damage to other bodily systems so don't let this go too much longer if possible.
Adrenals are probably also depleted from stress and trauma.


Well-known member
WOAH Indigo
i went to the site and had a live chat with one of the representatives..
the cost of the tests are $1350 and not including medicines...wow



$1350 seems like a lot of money but just a blood panel at the local lab runs about $400 and these tests are state of the art that you can't get at your local doc in a box.
For someone without money it's very difficult but then can we put a price on our health.I have had to pay for everything out of pocket over the years and these clinics were not available when I was in the thick of it.
I've spent thousands and if I could of gotten a diagnosis for $1350 I'd have been a happy camper.


Well-known member

You wrote:
I'm just a bit concerned that the *thing coming from left field*might not be necessarily a good thing (and bear my cappy asc in mind here....rather cautious). I am thinking a new horary might be emerging from this...perhaps along the lines of *what can you do to address the health issues... or something to do with *actions*....just a thought and only you know what kind of guidance will help you most here....we are but students here....learning, like you.But I'm sure you will find we all want to help you as much as possible..
Did you have any intutitive hits about this? I think I've received a little more clarity into what direction to take about the health issues. Thanks for the advice, and "yes", some *action* is needed, and it involves not only getting my body healed, but my entire path in life. I need to take some steps to get to where I need to be - and who I need to be with. I'm almost ready to do that - just a few more blockages to release energetically. I've been hard at work soul-searching to release these. Whew!


I still plan on mentioning it to a doctor (when I get to one) about the Lyme disease possiblity.... but one things kind of stymies me...... I don't have the immune system problems that it speaks of, in that I don't catch every little thing coming and going - in fact, just the opposite. And if something does try to come on, I'm able to "shake it off" with prayer or early intervention with herbs. It's just the deeply embedded illnesses that I can not seem to be able to shake. I noticed that I do not really have alot of the symptoms of CFS either - just a few.


Thanks so much for those links! It sounds like just exactly what I need! I feel that my Guidance is telling me to go for the holistic doctor, that there are yet a few energetic entanglements that are holding up my finances, but when they are untangled, I will have finances. I feel it would be a waste of time and energy to go to a doctor who will not understand. Also, until the energetic entanglements are healed, the healing will not really "take", anyway. So, I'm gonna hold out in faith that I will be able to get to one of these clinics, or something of equal caliber.


I agree with Indigo. That is not a bad price at all, considering the scope of what they do, and the unavailability to get what they do in the mainstream medical practices. Thanks for checking into it, though. Actually, I expected it to be a lot more than that! I'm pleasantly surprised.

To all who have been supporting me:

I have been releasing many energetic blockages in the past few days that were blocking my physical healing. Much of this is due to the energetic support I've received from your prayers and healing thoughts coming my way. Thank you so much!!!! And please keep it up! I still have a little ways to go - almost there, though!!!



Well-known member

I am happy to report that I no longer have the extreme exhaustion and fainting tendencies. However, I'm back to the "same ole'-same ole' " problems of fatigue, pain, difficulty walking, etc, that I was having before the flare-up in the Leo stellium. (Leo rules exhaustion, does it not?) I have been taking B-vitamins, extra B-12, and Iron. I've also been on Green Magma for a couple of weeks. Overall, these seem to have a mild benefit - a slight noticeable improvement. I still have a gut feeling that there is some sort of undiagnosed thyroid problem, and I know I have adrenal burn-out.

I get Dr. Wilson's thyroid newsletter, and there are a couple of well-researched herbal products that he offers for thyroid and adrenal problems. I was wondering if these would be really beneficial for me.

These are the two products- the second is adrenal support:


Thyroid Support*
ThyroCare is designed to provide adjunctive herbal and nutritional support and stimulation for the functionally low thyroid gland. It is indicated for low thyroid function, Wilson's Temperature Syndrome, low body temperature, fatigue, chronic joint degeneration, and mildly elevated cholesterol levels.*
This Product has Supporting Research

Serving Size: 2 capsules
Ingredients per serving: Iodine 158 mcg
105% Daily Value Magnesium 100 mg
25% Daily Value Selenium 140 mcg
245% Daily Value Guggul Gum Resin 526 mg Fucus herb 526 mg Blue Flag Root 348 mg
Adrenal and Immune Support* Support for patients with endocrine imbalances, immune disorders, and signs of chronic stress.*

Adrenal and Immune Support* Support for patients with endocrine imbalances, immune disorders, and signs of chronic stress.*

The Adaptogenic herbs used in “Adaptogen” help improve adrenal and immune function. Adrenal insufficiency can cause a decline in DHEA and cortisol ouput. Adrenal imbalances, often caused by chronic stress, can lead to a wide variety of disturbances including: fatigue, low immunity, insomnia, dizziness upon standing, lack of motivation, irritability, and depressed mood. Modern research has proven that plant adaptogens help with the above mentioned imbalances, increase red and white blood cell counts in immuno-compromised patients, and improve exercise tolerance. Adaptogens also help to balance the immune system, the endocrine system (such as the thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands) and help protect against infections through their immune-stimulating actions.*
This Product has Supporting Research: Siberian Ginseng, Ashwag
Serving Size: 2 capsules
Ingredients per serving: Codonopsis root 200 mg Devil's Club bark 70 mg Astragalus root 200 mg Fo-ti root 200 mg Wild Yam root 200 mg Siberian Ginseng root 330 mg Ashwagandha root 330 mg

I've attached a new horary for this question:

View chart for "Will these products be really beneficial?"

(If you're having trouble viewing the chart, you'll need to do one of the following, depending on your browser: Click in the upper left hand corner - you should see a little magnifying glass
OR Click in the upper left hand corner - look for orange ball with blue arrows in lower right hand corner of chart - click on the orange ball.)

My attempt at interpretation:

Ascendant is Sag, so my sig is Jupiter at 12*Sag, in the 12th. (I find it odd that Pluto is conjunct the ascendant. What does that signify in medical horary - anything?)

The sig for my health would be the ruler of Gemini - Mercury at 19*Libra in the 10th. (Libra rules adrenals).

The sig for the meds would be... uh.. um... the sig for the second house?
If so, that would be Saturn at 2*Virgo in the 8th.

The Moon is at 15*Sag, also in the 12th, and separating from my sig of Jupiter by 3 degrees.

The Moon is coming up on a square to Uranus,then it trines Venus, sextiles Mercury, (the sig for my health?), sextiles Neptune,squares Mars, squares the Sun, and the final aspect before leaving its sign is a conjunction to Pluto. It makes no contact that I can see to the sig for the meds.(If I determined that correctly.) However, it does make a trine to the meds sig, Saturn in Virgo, as soon as it changes signs.

Hmm.. could that mean that there is an energetic blockage that needs released before they would really be of help - one of those "Gotta take your finger out of the light socket" kind of things? Or could it mean that I would move before the products arrived? I'm wondering this, since I'm praying and awaiting a chance to move - Sag does rule long distance travel - hmm.

Part of Fortune is at 14*Pisces, in the 3rd house. Also, the 8th house that holds the sig for the meds - Saturn in Virgo - is ruled by the Moon in Sag.

Okay.. I'm commented out. Anyone else have any thoughts?


Dear FREEDOMLOVER, I agree with some people here about hormonal problems because Saturn is in the second house (tiroids) and neptune is very close to 11th house (hormones) causing a probable unbalance of your blood sugar levels. As for your fatigue, you said sometimes it hurts to think, well your mercury in the 12th house is causing several neurologic problems and your feet pain because it is in square to Saturn (signifier of health), in exile and in square to its second domicile (virgo), it is a really complicated disposition. The only thing I can tell you is that we can't do much to avoid our destiny, so, try to engage in activities that help you forget a little bit about your body and its illnesses, an hinduist will probably recommend you to embrace your pain in order to achieve a greater life after this one, I can't say that because I am not from India, but perhaps studying that kind of astrology will help you endure. I wish you all the best, proluna8