Has B.C. contacted D to ask info about me ?


Well-known member
B.C. is my girlfriend and D. is one of my friends who knows B.C. and which is her friend on facebook. One day I had a talk with B.C. about her ex. boyfriends and she told me about a some ex boyfriend who she suspected that was cheating on her. So this boyfriend had a cousin who liked B.C. and she was aware of it. So she tricked this cousin that if he was going to give her information about her ex. boyfriend she would leave him for this cousin. I wonder if she did it again with this friend of mine D. who I is kinda untrustworthy.


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Well-known member
I think there's a possibility, as for something that's already happened you look at past aspects and moons last aspect was to sun with reception, sun is L11 from L7.


Well-known member
ok, so let's continue with the investigation... I will raise a chart for another question. ,,Did D. gave good info or bad info about me to B.C. ''?


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