

Well-known member
some significations of MARS :smile:

Is this mars in transit or Is it a negative mars aspect?
What does it say about Pluto? Everything iv read seems to mention Pluto and mars but not necessarily within aspect of each other or by transit.

david starling

Well-known member
Where I went to Elementary Scool, Jr.High and High school, bullying was all about humiliation. It was usually random acts of cruelty, rather than systematic abuse of any one student in particular.


Well-known member
Where I went to Elementary Scool, Jr.High and High school, bullying was all about humiliation. It was usually random acts of cruelty, rather than systematic abuse of any one student in particular.

I don't think that there is a one size fits all in bullying. Whether that is children or adults. There are so many forms and you only need to read stories where either children or adults have been systematically bullied over a long time period.


Well-known member
I have only just noticed that this post is 12 years old, wow.
Maybe we should stuff it into a school locker,
or give it a swirly in a school toilet just to make it cry!
Or we could give it empathy.
empathy, compassion
Not a wedgie?
What is a wedgie?
How old are you? Lol
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Hi! My Community name is David Starling.
My Sun is at 28 degrees Pisces,
Ascendant, Mercury and "the red planet" all solidly in Pisces;
Moon and Venus in Aquarius;
Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn in Leo,
Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Libra, and Pluto in Leo.
I am very happy to have found this website!
approximately seven/eight decades since that planetary line-up! :smile:

I guess so
However, as this post is now talking about wedges
I think the post has gone off kilter a bit from astrology
