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Hi Snipbean,

I bet you won't be surprised if I tell you that your Birth Chart is a handful! But yours can be a handful of gold coins as well as a handful of work! You are heavily Cardinal Modalities (7) which means that you need hands on experience, mountains to climb and problems to solve. Whenever your life is missing opportunities for you to be in the thick of action and crisis, you will feel unfulfilled and unsettled.

Your Chart contains the often seen 1st House - 7th House polarity. You need people in your life who will throw you some real challenges and make you question both yourself and your world.

You have planets in Cancer, including a Sun - Mercury Conjunction that
directs your first instincts toward security and a cautious approach to life. At a deeper level however, you have a profoundly adventurous spirit which will eventually overtake your instinct toward moderation. Moon in Virgo in your 9th House is a search for understanding through direct experience. The Hermit of the Tarot Cards on a World Tour for adventure, truth and understanding - wherever it leads you!

Then I see that all your inner planets are in Direct Motion and your outer planets are Retrograde Motion. Your retrograde planets are mainly in the 1st House of self image / self identity while the direct planets are in the 7th House and elsewhere. This conveys a message that you tend to surround yourself with people who add to your feelings that you are a walking enigma.

In the final analysis however, I don't think that you are really confused about who you are. At an instinctive level, you know that you are a deep, deep and remarkable individual. You are, as Doctor Who once said of himself, "an anomaly inside an impossibility". In other words, you are a powerful shaman inside a gentle watery exterior; a mystic; a supernatural superhighway inside of a hitchhiker who believes themself to be lost.

When I examine your progressed chart for today, you currently have a very significant Sun - Jupiter Conjunction at 22 degrees Cancer. At this stage of your development it is crucial that you work on Career Development. Look to activities that will provide emotional stimulation and fulfillment. I suggest something that will help others to solve problems, make breakthroughs and lead more meaningful lives. Consider reaching out to others your own age who are having difficulties of their own. This will help you to find the self-identity that you think that you are lacking.


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Neptune in the 1st making the contacts it does is quite a doozy. With your sun opposing it and uranus its no wonder you get confused as to who you are. You are still very young and i would say dont worry too much about knowing exactly who you are, this takes time and experience you cant really just expect to will it or force it. You will find yourself within not without. believe me neptune can be confusing, and blurred... i would say avoid experimenting with drugs.

Your moon makes some very interesting aspects, you seem to have a fairly intense emotional quality. The moon seems to be extreamly important in your chart, i would read up on all the aspects it makes. Your virgo moon may make you a bit of a perfectionist, you may expect a bit much from yourself. This could also be fairly unrealistic with the neptune connections... and a somewhat lack of saturnine contacts to balance. You seem to be an extreamly intuitive person, i would say this is your greatest strenght and developing this will help tremendously. Moon trineing neptune and uranus with it also sextiling pluto and jupiter... you have every planet you need to develop extreamly powerful intuition. The only problem i see is the lack of aspects for your mercury... in the least you have a great imagination, and some very vivid dreams.

Develop your intuition only as much as you FEEL you need to. You have alot of potential but its also dangerous to open some doors. if anything you probably would enjoy some kind of artistic thing.. even though your venus gets left alone much as your mercury does.

I hope this helps...


Staff member
learning astrology, to Mana


You Mars (being, also anger, action) conjunct (energy is combined with) your IC (inner world), so you have to be careful about your "inner anger" and not led your anger build inside you (maybe doing martial arts can help you "get it all out"). Your North node (future goals) focused in the 2nd house (physical, also personal values), so your goal in life is to understand what YOU value in life and then to work to develop those values. Astrology can help you with your self-discovery. If you want to learn astrology, go to the link below this post and you can learn it in six steps.

Valuing you,



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I decided to comment your chart. I guess the thing that attracted me was that we have the same house set up and also I have my moon in virgo in the 9th. I too went through a period of not knowing who I am. I've always blamed the moon in virgo for it.:rolleyes: I used to constanly analyze my emotions untill there was nothing left. And if someone said something to me that I thought was nothing at the time, later on it would bug the life out of me till I analyzed every aspect of it. After a while I thought it would be easier to just become a stoic on the matter. What I don't care about wont hurt me. But I don't think the moon is doing much in your case. I have noticed you have a cardinal T-square in your chart. Cardinal T-sqaures are all about idenity. Mars being the apex planet in that configuration is place in the 4th house. Telling me that your agravation should manifest in your home life. Poor Mars is under some stress recieving two squares from saturn and jupiter. This aspect is prolly a big factor in you existentail crisis. You also have Transitting pluto moving through your first house. You subconcious is building itself a new person right now. (I'm going through this myself right now) Its casting out what it doesn't need and is replacing it with new things. You might be changing your appreance a few times with this transit also. Alot of people will never even have the pleasure of this transit. So consider it a great tool in helping you build the person you want to become. Not to mention Transiting Uranus square your ascedant at 87 degrees and applying. Another colpurt in not knowing who you are. Transiting mars is conjuncting mercury (the ruler of your 7th house) So relationships now might be going through a rough time. Maybe you just got out of a relationship and that is also making you question who you are. There is an emphasis in your natal 7th house, so relationships are prolly a big part of who you are. You need to remember that you are an indivual with or without a relationship going on. Also, around mid september you might be feeling a bit depressed and lonely. (Transitting saturn conjunct natal moon) You will be going through deep introspection. You have to hang in there and try not to cut urself off from others. Everything will be fine. Not so long after you experience this aspect I will soon be going through it. Then you can give me some advice on it.;) I know this is not a transit forum but thought it could be of some help. Try your luck on the transit thread and you might get some more responses.:D


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manabean said:
ah thats not the first time i've seen that i'll be depressed during september, that really scares me honestly. I wonder what i'll be upset about

I have been noticing huge changes within myself recently, it's like my entire perspective on life and the world has changed, for the better, but everything has gotten so much more complicated. Maybe this is what it means to grow out of childhood?

You're so young. Yes, you're growing out of childhood, and that's a difficult time. Saturn's recent entry into Virgo is pressing on your Moon, and will make the conjunction Sep 08. After that, it moves off, so the "depression" will lift.

In the meantime, use Saturn for introspection, personal growth, spiritual practice, and self-discipline.

Venus is strong in your 6th (employment, health.) Pursue this strength.