Did I hurt his feelings?


Well-known member
I unceremoniously dumped a guy I was seeing back in September. Well last time we went out was in August...we met in May. I was pretty mean but I didn't do it on purpose lol...I was just annoyed at his texts and plus I am currently seeing another gentleman :biggrin:. This guy, while we dated, always left me hanging and he was pretty in to himself. So I just got turned off.
Maybe it's Mercury Rx but he's been on my mind (not in a romantic way of course lol) ... my question is did I hurt his feelings?

Mercury and Jupiter past square ... Jupiter the ex is in his turned 8th...hhmmm I think that me dumping him hurt him a bit, I receive him by detriment...
So maybe he dislikes me ...
Any insight...thanks!


Well-known member
I think he is still into you.

but... if you look at your Sig, it’s in a loooot worse shape than he is. Care to explain???
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Well-known member
I think he is still into you.

but... if you look at your Sig, it’s in a loooot worse shape than he is. Care to explain???

You really think he's still into me?
I think me being Rx and combust (?) means there are things about him I don't know? Not sure...thanks for looking.
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