Don't rely on Year Zodiac only


In Chinese Zodiac system, well known Zodiac (Animal) is just a Year Zodiac which is small part of four Pillars.

As shown the Chinese Birth Chart that generate by the following website:

You can see four Zodiac in this chart. All of the meanings must be calculated by their inter-relationship. It is sketchy if you explain it one by one separately.


Well-known member
Actually year zodiac is not very important. Most people are mis-focus if you know bazi.

I dont know what will have to look up that one. If you know chinese culture you would KNOW about anciestor warship. the year is your anciestors and is the most important.


Well-known member
ok so I looked up that word...could of just said 4 pillars. lol well I find it intresting that my grandpa that Im named after is also born the same year...wood ox as me. My mom is born the year of the water snake...and Im born the day of the water snake...and all 3 of us have saturn in scorpio :)


I suggest reading in Day Pillar in the chart if you don't know too much skill for Chinese astrology. Including analyze chart owner's personality and love modal.