Run Saturn uh-oh here comes Uranus


Active member
Okay so I've been trying to understand Saturn's Return in Scorpio and I would like your opinions of my take on Saturn in Scorpio. The lesson for Saturn in Scorpio is to express deep emotions freely, without fear and have the emotional courage and inner strength to let go when things are over. Am I right? Okay, so if a person with Saturn in Scorpio refuses to learn this lesson that the transit is teaching them, then situations will come into their life that will force them, with undesirable consequences?
For example lets say someone with Saturn in Scorpio is so afraid of being hurt that they withdraw from relationships and avoid meeting new people, and in comes someone with Uranus and Sun in Scorpio conjunct their Saturn jolting him with a bolt of lightening, so carefree and easily expressing passion and deep emotions without fear. Breaking through his barriers of fear, and abandonment, bringing Saturn back to life, reminding him of emotions that he thought he buried deep inside:love:, & then without warning Uranus disappears leaving Saturn open & vulnerable:unsure:. Hence, the undesirable consequence.

Would this be an example of Saturn being forced to learn a lesson? If so, what is the lesson exactly? To feel emotions freely & deeply regardless of the outcome, enjoy the experience for what it is and then move on when it's done? If that's the case it's kind of hard for Saturn in Scorpio who is a fixed sign and once emotionally involved holds on for better or worse.
Does anyone have anything to add on this subject? Am I understanding and analyzing Saturn in Scorpio correctly? Is there something I'm missing?