What's the financial attitude of venus on the cusp conjunct neptune in 2nd house?


I have Venus in 1st house late sagittarius 29°56 37" and Neptune is in early 2nd house capricorn 6°55 38"

The reason i ask is because i'm confused about the position of venus, since it has such a good place in 2nd house then how does it work on the cusp while having a conjunction to a planet in it's home.

How does the planet distribute it's values in both houses? If it's half 1st and half second then how do i look at it?

It's not so pleasant to read neptune in 2nd, makes me wish i had venus there instead so since venus is so close then what is the influence it brings from the cusp in conjunction to neptune?

Most astrologers read planets on the cusp as the next house, does that make venus the main player in my 2nd or has more of a supporting role for neptune?