Peregrine Mercury in Pisces w/Gemini Rising


Well-known member
I keep looking at my chart, and I can't help but think that there's some kind of theme here with Mercury. It's very prominent in my chart, and extremely debilitated.


First of all, Mercury rules my Ascending sign of Gemini. Second of all, it's placed in the 10th house conjunct my North Node. Interestingly, this places my South Node in Virgo, another Mercury-ruled sign.

So it seems that Mercury influences 3 out of 4 angles on my chart, and is connected with my North Node.

The only thing Mercury has going for it is that it's received by Mars via term and face, but that probably doesn't help much.

As far as the impact on Mercury-ruled subjects, I definitely feel it in some areas. For instance, I didn't learn to speak until I was over a year old (although I learned to read by age 3), I couldn't understand anything but Roman Numerals for the first several years of my life, and I have a lot of difficulty keeping left and right straight (I always have to look at my hands and see which one makes an L). I basically have no ability to navigate at all without relying on landmarks or signs.

Another issue is that certain kinds of mechanisms are very hard for me to master. For instance, it took me almost a year to figure out how to work a lock that involved using an electronic keypad in combination with a tumbler that had to be turned a specific point in the process. I also have a very hard time with single knob shower fixtures, and I had to carry all of my books for school in my backpack because I can't undo a combination lock within 5 minutes.

I have no issues with more typical or traditional mechanisms like keys, letter openers, or bottle openers. It's just particularly weird ones that I can't figure out.
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