Photography in the birth chart?


Well-known member
I know Neptune is connected with photography, are there any other indicators for photographic talent? Maybe Venus, or strong Venus-Neptune aspects? Which house would photography correspond to, if any? :innocent:


Well-known member
Would the 12th house be the correct house - since it is ruled by Neptune? :innocent:
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Well-known member
The Moon rules "images". She also rules "silver" (back in the days of film, silver compounds were the photosensitive component). She is illusion, reflection and so forth.

The Moon is, in her nature, photographic. (She rules memory [photographic memory], and photography captures images to stimulate our memory; a photograph is a memory on paper).

Venus is concerned with "beauty" and "artistic expression". Photography as art is associated with Venus.

Photography, in its essence, is "the capture of light." It fixes a moment in time by recording light as it was at that moment. A photograph is not concerned with objects or forms of themselves, but with the light they emit or reflect.

The Sun is the source of all light. The Moon rules mirrors and reflections.

A photograph is in essence a "document". Documents are found in the Third House. If the photograph conveys "news" or "information", that is also a Third House matter.

But the Ninth House might hold "travelogues" or "foreign correspondent" genres of photography. Photography used primarily as an investigative tool in such things as scientific research would also be contained in the Ninth.

There are other examples, with different houses. Photography as career, or the means of social prominence or recognition is primarily a Tenth House affair.

I know I haven't answered your questions. I hope this helps you see "how to think" about photography in the horoscope.

Only analysis of a particular horoscope will really do. As you can see, to say that "this horoscope proclaims talent in photography" demands the synthesis of a complex of factors.

What makes for an outstanding photograper? To answer that question, look at the charts of well-known photographers; study them.
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Well-known member
Thank you, greybeard, that's a lot to think about! And you did answer my question, since I was looking for ideas and was stuck on Neptune which didn't feel like the answer to photography in the horoscope.

I was really into photography as a kid and teenager and just recently got back into it and was wondering what in my chart could have caused this.


Well-known member
I used to correspond with a lady who had the same Ascendant as mine (to within one degree), and was amazed when we began to exchange photos. She and I both have very similar ways of viewing the world, manifest in our choice of subjects and ways of viewing the subject.

It is more than Neptune, Moon, Venus or any other single factor that makes for a photographer. The Ascendant is "the way we see the world." The Ascendant always affects everything in a chart, strongly.

You might also take a look at the weight of Elements and Qualities in a chart.


Well-known member
I too had an avid interest in photography, and worked in the photographic industry in the past. For me
I can only connect this with Neptune specifically in my chart; in my case it is found in the 12th H [behind the scenes] and trine to my Sun/Jupiter conjunct in Cancer [seeing the bigger picture; capturing 'memories']. I do think it is very much connected with the watery energy; I also have Moon in Pisces also trine this conjunction. Neptune also relates to visual perceptions. Interestingly my partner also worked with me in photography, but he is very much of the earth energy. The difference I found was that his version of photography was much more 'technical' than mine; for him structure was more important than composition, which was strongly my orientation. As for the creative nature of photography, my 5th H is ruled by the late degrees of Pisces; the only other 'creative' bent I have is via my Venus in Leo, yet she has no positive aspects in the chart. OF course in these days, through digital technology, images can easily be 'manipulated' [Neptune] for perfection, whereas my collection is stored in boxes [and boxes] of print images, and nowadays when I look at photos I often wonder whether the true natural integrity of it is real...or digitized; again very much Neptunian. I really can't connect this form of expression with any particular house in the chart, though.


Well-known member
Houses are not the same as signs and planets.
They tend to depict "things" or "places" more than "activities", and photography is an activity.

In what I said previously, I connected the 3rd House with "documents" or "news" tangible, the other intangible, but both are "classes of things" and not activities. Houses can sometimes represent activities, but more often they are not.

Nice analysis of your chart Kimber. It's instructive.

I was also a "professional photographer", hehehe.... I owned a Shetland pony and went door to door taking "pony pictures" of kids. Lots of fun.

Knock, knock. If the kids hadn't seen the pony before I knocked on the door, they have now because he's standing on their doorstep. There is no way Mom is going to say no to her kids; they want to ride the pony. And there is no way Mom is not going to buy those darling pictures of Mary and Sam, all dressed up like cowboys, for the scrapbook. When I came to the door, I left happy kids and happy moms behind me. And I ate well too. Good ol' Poky; he was one fine pony.

Funny how photographers are divided into two schools: the "realists" and the "impressionists". They fight like siderealists and tropicalists.
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Well-known member
Like kimbermoon, I connected photography in my chart with a strong Neptune, ruler of my Asc and trine Chiron/Saturn/Venus conjunction in 1st house/Pisces. My photography is also artistic with Saturn and exalted Venus being in Pisces, and there's a need to somehow give form to my perceptions.

I'm now thinking about the ideas which greybeard has given me and see how this adds to the picture.. When I was younger, I used to take pictures of animals and nature, but now this has shifted to a fascination with people and their expressions.. perhaps my Moon in Libra in the 8th.


Well-known member
For anyone else interested in the subject, here is a very interesting article on it, with the delineation of 2 charts as well.. :smile:


Well-known member
If you are talking career then Venus for form and beauty and Neptune for film, chemicals affecting the 10th house. It depends on what sort of photography you are talking about. If you photograph buildings for instance then Saturn may be involved. For everyday work then the 6th house where you just make your bread and butter. The rulers of the cusps of these two houses are also important indicators. If you do magazine and book photography or involving print media, than mercury can be in the mix. Venus and Neptune are typical for glamour and air brushing etc., which involves some deception that is typical of the fashion industry models.
