Problems putting delineation into practice

Hi all, hope you can help me out!

I've started studying traditional astrology (mainly using Zoller) and I am having some trouble putting all that he says about delineation into practice.

My biggest questions are:
- when a planet is in a house, how will it help to the realisation of the house's affairs? For example, Sun in the 7th in a good zodiacal state - does that imply (on its own) good luck with partnerships? Do you then look at what houses the Sun rules to link them to the 7th house?
- when a certain house's signification don't really make sense in the chart so you need to look at its derived meaning, how do you know which derived meaning to take (I mean which house to start counting from?

I am just a bit overwhelmed when I started putting all his tips into practice and I don't know if I am delineating correctly.

Thank y'all!


Well-known member
Hi all, hope you can help me out!
I've started studying traditional astrology

(mainly using Zoller)

and I am having some trouble
putting all that he says about delineation into practice.
My biggest questions are:
- when a planet is in a house, how will it help to the realisation of the house's affairs? For example, Sun in the 7th in a good zodiacal state - does that imply (on its own) good luck with partnerships? Do you then look at what houses the Sun rules to link them to the 7th house?
- when a certain house's signification don't really make sense in the chart so you need to look at its derived meaning, how do you know which derived meaning to take (I mean which house to start counting from?

I am just a bit overwhelmed
when I started putting all his tips into practice

and I don't know if I am delineating correctly.
Thank y'all!
7. Position is stronger than rulership.

Aries on 5th house cusp. Jupiter in Aries.
Juptier is having much more important for the issues of the house then the ruler Mars.

8. The planet in detriment can not produce effectively what it promise.

9.The house represents the beginning of a matter, the ruler of the house,
represents the development of the matter, a kind of middle
point, and the final dispositor, i.e. the planet that rules the sign in which
the ruler is placed represents the end of the matter.

10. The planet which is closest to cusp is the most important in the house and dominates the affairs of the house, because of the rule that position is stronger than rulership, unless the ruler of the house is also in the house.

11. Planets can do 3 things. They can produce something,
they can deny something, or they can destroy something once it has been
1. See ifthere are any planets in the house. Note if they are benef*
ics or malefics. Note which is closer to the cusp of the house.

2. See what sign is on the cusp of the house. Note the triplicity
of the sign, the degree of the cusp and the rulers of the sign
(especially the rulers by sign, exaltation, and triplicity).

3. See what planet is the ruler by sign. Note what house it is
in. It will I ink the affairs of the house it is in to the affairs of
the house you are judging. Note the nature of the ruler of the
house. Its nature will tell you how the affairs of the house will
be realized.

If the ruler is in good zodiacal state and in good house (angular/succedent) the matters symbolized by the house will be realized.
If it is in good zodiacal state, but weak by house placement, there will be problems with realizing the things signified by the house.
If it is in bad zodiacal and house placement as well (cadent for example), the matters will not be realized by any means.
But still, you can look to the triplicity ruler or the Almuten, or the exaltation ruler, termin ruler and etc.. (look at 4).

4. Look at the Almuten of the house. Look also to the other 5 dignity rulers. Face is weakest of this and I do not use it. The termin ruler also I use very rarely.

If the ruler by sign cannot realize the
affairs of a house, perhapsthe Almuten or one of the otherrul*
ers can.

5. Examine the Arabic Part associated with matter at hand.

For example, for judging the first house calculate Pars Vitae. For the life's purpose Pars Hyleg. For 2nd house - Pars Substance and Fortune. For 7th - the Part of Marriage and etc..

6. See also the significator of the thing the house is associated
with. You will want to see the natural significator, the acci*dental significator and, once you have learned of them, the specific significator.

04-20-2012, 08:47 AM

Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 277 Some Tips on Delineating

The type of Delineation I'm giving here is a mix of medieval techniques with those of the Hellenistic authors.

Robert Zoller played great role
in my traditional astrology education
and this is obvious
for those who are familiar with his work.
I need to mention that even though Zoller
was initially very fond on Arabia authors,
his basic delineation techniques
are taken from the early reneissance
French astrologer Morin.

Zoller studied with Zoltan Mason
who introduced Morin
and his basic natal delineation to Zoller.
Zoltan was also one of the first translators of Morin.

Here are some tips for delineating the chart in this manner.

1. The good or bad signified by a house emanates from the ruler of the house.
This is the basic rule. The ruler of the house is giver of the material of the house.

Zoller gives the example of his own chart where he has Combusted Mercury in 11th, ruler of 4th. He comments that this kind of placement brings adversity to ones home and dwellings.

2. Benefit in one area of life can be produced by adversity, or even conflict, in another.

Again Zoller gives example from his own chart.
Jupiter in 9th in Scorpio disposited from Mars in 11th: Wisdom coming from conflicts.

3. The delineation tells you the what. The
predictive techniques tell you the when.

4. The Elemental Quality of the Sign of the Ascendant is showing the type of Primary Motivation of the native.
Fire goes for freedom of action and power.
Air goes for freedom of expression and movement.
The Water signs need emotional security
Earth signs need physical security.

The person with masculine Ascendant (or majority of planets in masculine signs) speaks in active terms: "I did this to that person".
The person with feminine sign on Ascendant or majority planets in feminine signs, speaks in passive terms: "This happened to me".

The Feminine signs seek advice because they need second hand in their decisions, in fact they want someone else to make the decision for them.
Masculine signs seek advice because they have many options so they are not sure which option is better.

Cardinal signs are most active. Cardinal water and earth (Cancer and Capricorn) are working great amount of actions but in circumstances and environment structured already by someone else.
Libra and Aries (Cardinal masculine) are working great in any kind of circumstances.

Fixed signs are centripetal, they need center. They are very successful in Acquisations.
Taurus hoards money.
Leo hoards glory and honor.
Scorpio hoards the hidden things, hidden motivations of other people, seek energy and vitality.
Aquarius hoards Knowledge.

Mutable signs vacillate between the two: cardinal and fixed.

5. Examine the planets which most closely aspects the Ascendant. These planets add to the whole Primary Motivation thing.

Planets aspecting the Ascendant represent powers the native can use in the world.

The aspecting planet's local determination will be added to the Primary
(Venus in 5th will add love for pleasure and entertainment to the native's Primary Motivation).

The aspect between the aspecting planet and the Ascendant tells you how the being of the planet and its local determination are linked.

6. The Ruler of the Ascendant by its house position tells you where (what area of life) the native will seek to realize his/her Primary Motivation.

Look also at all 5 dignity rulers in the place of the ASC. The Almuten and Exalted ruler are lamost as significant as the domicile ruler (sometimes even more).

The Ruler of the Ascendant (as well as the other rulers) by its nature and zodiacal state shows the methods the native will use and the success or failure of the drive.

This is great quote by Zoller:
"This little trick is of great practical value. By means of it, we may understand what the native wants. All other wants and desires are negotiable, but not the Primary Motivation. If you interfere with another person's ability to realize their Primary Motivation, they are gone."
Lets assume that a person has Cancer on the Ascendant,
The primary motivation of this person is the Need for Emotional Security.
The ruler/s of the Ascendant and their zodiacal and local state will determine How would this be achieved.

Lets assume Moon on IC in Libra Peregrine.
Jupiter in 6th (but 7th sign!) in Capricorn.
Venus in Sag in 6th - Peregrine.
Mars in Scorpio in 4th (but 5th sign!)
Saturn (term ruler) is in 5th Scorpio Peregrine.

We can see that Moon is strong by accident (being on angle), so we can judge first from there.
The need for Emotional Security this person would seek in the home, in the place of the father. The father would be the means through which this person would try to achieve the Emotional Security.
Jupiter - the exalted ruler is weak by being cadent, Venus too. They can't produce much in giving the emotional security this person seeks.
Jupiter by universal means suggest that the native would seek wisdom, religion (and the person actually did!) but by being cadent and in fall, it can't productively give what it promise.
Mars is in 4/5th and is strong by zodiacal state, but is out of sect malefic.
It would try to win competitions, but also with Saturn in 5th will give great deal of creativity. Mars rules the 10th - creativity and looking for career, would also give some amount of emotional security for this person. But by being square with Sun in 7th it means that it will have opposition from authorities and other people in general.

The primary motivation is great deal of what we unconsciously and often consciously seek for. Once that motivation is broken or someone interrupt it, we seek to fix that in the every possible way we can do that.

I will continue with the tips in my next post.



Well-known member

In all matters Bonatti gives each triplicity ruler 1/3 of the life of the native.
The 1st ruler signifies the 1/3, the second 2/3 and the third participating ruler the 3/3 of life.
The life span varies in each individual and each author is assuming different numbers in calculating this technique.
Some says 3 x 30 = 90
Some say 3 x 25 = 90 and etc.
I think it is better to judge according to the preceded delineation of the longevity of the native.

On the matters of 1st house.
Bonatti says that the first ruler belongs to the Life of the native, his pleasures and things in which he delights.
What he likes and what he hates and what bappens
to him, whether good or evil at the beginning of life, namely in the first
third part of his life.

The second lord of the triplicity signifies the life,
robustness, power and strength and what happens to him in the second part
of his life.

The third lord ofthe triplicity signifies that which happens, that
which the first and second lord signified, but also the end of life, whatever happens to him in the last third of his life."

2nd house

From this triplicity Lords you judge the native's substance, the significator of the acquisition of the native.
The house position of the ruler in question shows the source of the native's wealth (in that third of life).

3rd house

The first ruler represents younger brothers.
The second the middle ones.
The third, the older brothers.
This house signifies all blood relatives and kin, or kin younger than the native and etc. Neighbours and even fellow citizens both masters or slaves, and mothers or wives, and the rich or the poor.

4th - the house of Fathers (according to Bonatti):

The first Triplicity Lord signifies the Father.
The 2nd cities and land
The 3rd - end of things and prisons.

"For if the first lord of the 4th
is in good condition and aspects the lord
of the Ascendant by a good aspect, that is if it is in good condition and aspect, namely by a trine or a sextile or the Ascendant lord aspectshim, there will be good for the native required from the father and for the
father from him, or for the grandfather or the great grandfather and for
the mother-in-law, and for aU grand parents. Although, the mother-in-law is signified by accident by the 4th house."

"If indeed the second ruler of the triplicity of the 4th house is in good
condition, good things come to the native from houses and land and from
inheritances, he will inherit from the aforesaid persons."

"If the third ruler is in good condition, there will be benefit for him from
prisons and prisoners and it sometimes happens to guards of captives and
the like and from the ends of things, as sometimes happens for those
finishing lawsuits or war, or in mediating between some men at a market,
as frequently happens with the sellers of horses, or of other things in
which the sale requires a go-between."

"If the aforesaid significators are weak, unfortunate or in bad condition,
it will go evilly for him in the aforementioned things. You want to
consider in what part of life this happens to him because the first third
of life signified by the first ruler of the triplicity, the second third by the
second ruler of the triplicity, and the third third by the third ruler of the

5th house

The first ruler signifies children.
The second, sensual delights.
The third, legates,
that is people sent on a diplomatic mission of legate.

the life of children is taken more
from the first lord of the triplicity than that of the second or third."

6th house

The first lord represents infirmities and convalescences from those infirmities and other evil things.
The 2nd lord, signifies servants.
3rd lord represents the things we may find from them, usefulness and etc..
Also represents beasts and herd animals, and all quadrupeds, their strength, number and whether he holds
on to them or loses them, that he being the native, and it is the significator of prison and detention whence it ought to be seen how the lord of any nativity... regarding the lord of the 6th, namely whether it is joined to it by
trine or sextile aspect or bodily with mutual and perfect reception."

"If it is so the native or querent will have fortune in all of these things
which are signified by the 6th house, but if they should aspect eachother by the aforesaid aspects without a reception there would not be a great fortune for him from these things, although there may be some kind of benefit for him from them, but if they aspect each other by square or opposition or without reception it will be evil for him in all of and from all of the aforesaid, but if it is with reception evil will be less, but if the lord of the 1st should receive the lord of the 6th
and the lord of the 6th does not receive him it will be better for the slaves on account of him than for him on account of them."

"Indeed they will be unfaithful to him and deceitful, but if the lord of the 6th
should receive the lord of the 1 and the lord ofthe 1
does not receive the
lord of the 6th it will be better for him on account of them than for them on account of him. Indeed he does not like them nor does he treat them well though they benefit him and though they stand by him as faithful servants and fully transact all his businesses."

7th house

"The first lord ofthe triplicity of the 7th represents or signifies women, the second contentions or litigations, and the 3rd associations."

8th house

"The first lord of the triplicity of the house of death signifies death, the
second ancient things and the third is everything which is inherited from
the dead to wit both from those who are not related and those who are
related which the heirs ought to possess after the death of these."

9th house

"The first lord of the triplicity of the 9th
signifies journeys or what happens to the native or querent on long journeys, the second signifies faith, religion and the strength and manner, the third signifies wisdom, dreams and the science of the stars, and the truth of these things, auguries and the
work in these matters ... "

10th house

"The first ruler of the triplicity of the kingly house rules work exaltations
and the elevation to a higher seat of authority and to the highest dwelling,
the second lord signifies the voice of command and the audacity in the
same, and in the third signifies the stability and durability."

11th house:

The first lord of the triplicity of the house of faith signifies faith, but the
second ruler signifies friends, the third signifies the utility or the success
of these things.

12th house

"The first lord of the triplicity of the 12th
house signifies enemies, the second lord signifies labours, the third signifies beasts and flocks and indeed others say that all the houses of the lords of the triplicities of the 12th
house and its lord, that is the planet that rules the sign signifies
prisons and prison"