Sun conjuct Pluto in Composite and Davidson chart..

Sun exact conjucts Pluto in Composite chart 11th house..and Venus is in 12th house..The ruler of 7th is Venus in 12th it possibility for a relationship?
Male's progressed Mars conjucts female's natal Venus

Male's progressed Mars conjucts female's natal what way it effects him???..Who feels it more??
My progressed Vertex conjucts his natal ascendent and antivertex...

My progressed Vertex conjucts his natal ascendent and antivertex..what that means??
Progressed South node conjucts Composite Sun and Pluto.....

When progressed South node in partners chart exact conjucts Composite Sun and Pluto????...Is it past lives connection?
12th house is not easy for Venus but post the chart for a complete look.
....Our planets position in Composite: Ascendent in Scorpio 24'
Venus in 12th ,Scorpio 20'
Uran conjucts ascendent 26'Scorpio...Moon and Vertex conjuction in 7th house...Sun conjucts Pluto in 11th house..Jupiter in 4th house. Venus in 12th trine Jupiter in 4th..(not hard aspects of Venus).Sun -Pluto trine Moon and Vertex conjuction in 7th..