Strange Relationship


Active member
This relationship started off pretty messy. Avoiding the long story of it, I would like to know everyone's thoughts on this Synastry and composite. I met this person randomly one night through a friend as he decided to drop by. We spent a lot of time talking and from there on it's been a weird experience. We threw ourselves into a trip shortly after meeting one another and not knowing the other person well enough..I can't even say that's in my character because it's not. Fast Forward months later, after weaving out the messy noise of being uncommitted and unofficial (and him having to tie up loose ends with someone from his past that I will not tolerate or deal with), we slowly kicked it off and gave each other's word to lay things out on the table and take it as they come day by day (me trying to honor uranian aspects).

When the uranian sparks die out, are there any other saving graces to this relationship that will hold it together? What are some of your predictions and interpretations of our charts? Thanks, any input is GREATLY appreciated.

Synastry (I'm inside)
