Venus Trine Jupiter will transit tomorrow on the 26th


Well-known member
How much do these Sun sign astrology transits affect personal charts? I booked something very important tomorrow. I have natal VENUS TRINE JUPITER though it doesnt show in my transits chart, I am hoping that Sun sign transits will still have influence. BTW, What do you call these kind of transits?


Well-known member
I think Sun sign transits are effective. Your Sun sign chart probably doesn't make that much difference because in effect all you are doing, would be looking at the chart from the Sun's perspective. Transits are in essence transits at the end of the day irrespective of what sign you look at your natal chart from i.e. Sun, rising or Moon. The same transit will occur in the Sun chart as it will in the rising chart and the Moon chart. I would recommend to post your chart for an analysis to be made of the transit and any other aspects affecting this transit. :)