What kind of career/job will I probably land in?


New member

Things that I can garner from my chart so far:

Libra in Midheaven: Probably a career in the arts, or something involving diplomacy (politics?).

Uranus and Neptune square Midheaven: Slim chance of a normal 9-5 job, unless I'm really intent on getting one, which I'm not. Frequent change of residence and job. I'm not going to go well with jobs that require me to go along with authority figures. Confusion on career/job choice (LIKE RIGHT NOW, YAY), prone to sloppy shortcuts to escape work routine... (uh oh).

Saturn trine Midheaven: Managerial positions; a slow but steady rise in the career ladder (hmm, I wonder how is that possible without a secure job in the first place).

Sun quintile Midheaven: ...Don't even know if that's a significant aspect or not.

All of the planets that aspects the Midheaven gather in my first house, so that probably means the problems (and the gains) from the aspects relate much to my personality and preferences about things, not my background or education etc.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. :happy:
Firstly, for a proper evaluation you should consider posting your chart with progressions and transits on same wheel found in extended chart selection. Reduce the ratio of orbs to 80%, select smallest image size 63% on picture,then choose house system (my personal preference is for Equal house rather than the default of placidus), right mouse click and select 'save target pic as' and save to hard drive then upload here

could you please give some personal background info, what you are doing now? what interests, hobbies even, hopes aspirations etc?