Basic Questions


:eek: Hi Folks:

I am excited about this site. I have been a student of astrology for several years now but have never had much by the way of company on this adventure, much less knowledgable folk that could clarify any of my many, many doubts. I have now spent some time reading different threads herein and am delighted to see how serious and dedicated folks seem not only about astrology but about sharing what they know.

So, I want to start a new thread for those of us, if there are more out there, who have very basic questions about matters that, despite our many studies, have escaped us. I hope that some of the wise and knowledgable can come forth to help us fill in our gaps so we can finally move forward.

Here is a start. Many thanks to any kind soul willing to take me out of the fog.

Is it true that an intercepted sign within a house has little effect on a subject? Example 1st house cusp at 29 deg Aq, 2d at 6 of Aries. Will person have any piscean traits?

How do you determine a chart’s ruler?


Well-known member
wonder said:
How do you determine a chart’s ruler?

The planet that rules the Ascendant is the Chart Ruler.

Because of that, no two Leos are quite alike. You have to integrate the 1st House with the house that holds the ruler of the Ascendant. A Leo Ascendant with the Sun in the 5th House isn't the same as a Leo Ascendant with the Sun in then 10th House. And then of course look at the aspects to the Chart Ruler.


Well-known member
I think intercepted houses do have an effect. It is almost as though any planets in an intercepted house (look also to Pisces' opposite sign Virgo) don't quite get enough traction, and the person may not get the recognition s/he deserves in that area.

For "Piscean" traits, though, look also to Neptune in your chart, or possibly your 12th house, as these can sometimes mimic one another.

But I would make extra-sure that the birth time is correct with an AS at 29 degrees of a sign, as 3 minutes' difference could put it at 0 of the next sign.

Also, you might try some different house systems. Sometimes an intercepted sign in Placidus houses, for example, disappears with another system.

The chart ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the ascendant. With Aquarius it would be Uranus as the modern ruler, or Saturn as the traditional ruler.


Wow. thanks Bobzmco and Waybread. I thought the ruler of the Asc might be the chart ruler but was unsure. I'm not sure about planets not getting enough traction. Waybread could you elaborate? I don't have any planets in Piscis (though moon is opposite in virgo), or 12th and neptune is in the 8th--no aspects. I thought about possibility that birth time is off but if piscis is asc. I can't relate to resulting placements, etc. and I do have very strong aquarian traits for which there appears to be no other explanation as Uranus, like neptune, is not in house at angle (5th in cancer) and has no aspects to other planets.


Well-known member
wonder, can you post your chart? It would be easier to explain that way, because any astrological "byte" inevitably calls up other chart factors.

I mention Virgo as being intercepted, because if your Pisces is intercepted, then its opposite sign of Virgo should be, too. Sometimes with an intercepted house, you will see a planet that should be very strong--maybe even gaining the person some kind of recognition, yet this doesn't seem to happen. I think it is as though an intercepted sign is hidden from view or diminished in some way. But please keep in mind that many astrologers would disagree with me here, or would use equal houses (of 30 degrees each) where interception doesn't happen.

Happy astrologizing! If you are just learning, a really great intro book is Steven Forrest, The Inner Sky.


Well-known member

i just thought it unusual to see your asc and 2nd house degrees
thats my 5th 29 aqu
and my 6th 6 aries

so i have pisces intersepted also and virgo intersepted in the 11th
I have also been lead to believe intersepted signs just mean you have to work harder in that area to get it out there so to speak.

5th house issues are actually my fortay, i am very creative and have never had a problem getting pregnant. i think that sounds more like my intersepted pisces not my 29 deg aquariun nature, but i have a stellium of aqu in 4th house.

my intersepted 11th i have mars pluto and uranus, I do have to work harder with friends they are hard to come by and harder to stay loyal, i reas somewhere that intersepted 11 could be i expect far to much from them in some capasaty.. true i give out loyalty and friendship but expect it back the same way i gave it..


Well-known member
DiDi, I am not seeing the interceptions but then again I am also learning so may have missed that big time. I thought interceptions were when a house encloses a sign. In my natal chart I actually do have pisces and virgo intercepted in 6th and 12 houses. Neptune is in the 7th and Mercury is in the 4th IC so from what I understand either aquarius/uranus and neptune co-rule the 12th or we look to the neptune in 7th to see how it manifests. But that is my understanding of interception. Please let me know if I am way off base.


Well-known member
cassanra,,,,,,,,,,, i said the same thing:confused:

'DiDi, I am not seeing the interceptions but then again I am also learning so may have missed that big time. I thought interceptions were when a house encloses a sign'

im not sure what you mean by this as you kind of answered your own question.

intersepted signs are like this..
ascendant is ........29deg aqu
2nd House is .........6deg aries that means pisces is missing =(intersepted)
they if you have plannets here it is harder for them to act or be activated.


Ah, that seems to correspond well for me.

Sagittarius ascendant, so Jupiter as my chart ruler, while my sun sign is Pisces (whose traditional ruler was Jupiter as well).

Would that help create some synergy between the two signs?


Well-known member
Is it true that an intercepted sign within a house has little effect on a subject?

No, intercepted signs are secondary rules to the house cusp. Therefore if you have Pisces intercepted in the first, both Saturn and Jupiter are Lords of the first. Hermes tells us that we should consider the first sign as primary but the secondary one also important.

Will person have any piscean traits?

Most definately. I would say they would have more Jovial traits than Piscean though.

How do you determine a chart’s ruler?

There are multiple ways, but the usual is the Planet which has the most essential dignities (and is placed in a good House of the figuer). I see some others here share of a different opinion, so I will make it clear that I am speaking of traditional Astrology here.