Much of the character we develop is because of our encounters.


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Fire Signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius develop much of their character based on who they rub shoulders with. Fire Signs mostly need others or they may become dull and without purpose. What makes a Fire Sign energized is when they are actively pursuing an exciting adventure but it’s never as exciting as when they have someone else to share the fun with. The analogy used is the flames and coals from a campfire that represent the traits seen in the Fire Signs. Just as a fire can’t be sustained without a source of energy so it is with the Fire Signs. They can’t get energized until they have others to help fed the excitement. One purpose of the Fire Signs is to excite us and give us desire for what’s new.

Air Signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius develop much of their character from what they have learned about life around them. They are the investigators of the Zodiac always dissecting and connecting the parts of the whole. The Air Signs are about understanding and the character we see in them is derived from what they believe to be the truth. The Air Element is like H2O in that it has a part in everything on the planet – most everything is made up of Hydrogen and Oxygen and the character of Air Signs is based on what they have encountered in their search for knowledge and understanding. One purpose of Air is to help us understand there is more to life then what we see before us.

When we look at the traits from Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn we see that they can be fairly grounded in their temperaments. People that have one or more Earth Signs in the personal planets are more structured, more organized, and more patient with others but it is their awareness of others that at times can cause them to develop into insecure and cautious individuals. Earth Signs are affected deeply by how they perceive others and it will be indicated in the personality of the person. On the other hand Earth Signs can be very giving of themselves, always willing to lend a hand to anyone in need. I believe the Earth Signs can also give a person a sense of confidence in their abilities – a solid understanding of what they are capable of. One purpose of the Earth Signs is to bring structure and secure footing to our lives.

The Water Signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are very different from the rest. They absorb or bind with the Elements they come in contact with. Fire excites Water to make steam or Water can put down the energy of the Fire; Air binds with Water to make the Air moist (Emotional) or Air will help the Water be more oxygenated; Earth and Water will dilute each other, either by clouding the Earth or muddying the Water. Water by itself is quite pure and refreshing but much of what we see from the character of the Water Signs is their reactions to the rest of us. One purpose of Water is help us see that we can and do affect the Behaviors of others.

I believe much of what defines us is the environment we hang out in. We are “formed” from our encounters with others; we developed the positive or negative traits of our Signs based on the reactions we have had to our experiences with others. Life is a huge modifier of our character.

My purpose of laying this out is to get us to think about others beyond ourselves. In every encounter there are many reactions happening from all involved and the more we can understand where all the Elements are coming from the more we can develop compassion for our fellow man. If we don’t care about how our personality is affecting others then we have nothing to complain about because we are then the reason for any and all the problems we may be having in our relationships.


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After rereading my thread I wanted to make clear that IMO character is not the same as Traits. The traits from our Signs give the foundation of characteristics from which we will develop. But to me character is how others have affected us. We can become infected by the attitudes and journey that others are taking. We can take on some of their character - "what a character" is what I'm trying to say. Our traits don't change but our character may.

Also I don't believe we display ALL of the traits from our Signs. The stresses of life can make us too focused on one part of us, showing the traits from one Sign more then the rest. Some of us can be trapped in one Sign because of things like abuse and drug use. IMO our Feeling Side is the part of us that usually has the most problems in life mainly because it is the Reactive side of us. Whatever Sign we have for our Rising is the traits we will use to Feel our way through life.


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