When to send the love letter?


Well-known member
Hi folks!

My best friend wants to declare his love to the girl he likes in a letter(you don't have gentlemen like this these days:D),and he asked me if I could help him find the best date for him to do it.I did a little horary work on this,asking if the girl likes him,and the result was extremely positive,although I'm still unsure if I used the right houses..:eek:

I was hoping if you could give me your thoughts about this.Electional astrology is not somehting I'm very comfortable with,although I've been reading some threads on this board and it definetly looks like somehting I'll explore a little further in the future.I'm not sure what would be the requirements for this type of thing,but he said he wants to send her the letter somewhere between May and early June,and,since Mercury rules over communications,I really want to make the most out of the dignified Mercury:).Apart from that,I'm trying to find a day where Venus(love)and the Moon(feelings)are happily positioned as well.He wants to personally deliver her the letter,and he only sees her at school and,since she's in another class,he needs to do it during the times when we're not in class(either before class-at 8:30Am,when he arrives at school-or during one of our breaks-from 10:00to10:30AM,11:55to12:15AM,from1:55PMto2:40PM.During Fridays we don't have classes during the afternoon).So,I came up with three possible dates:

Date1:May15,at10:10AM,in Tires,Portugal
Date2:May18,at10h10AM,in Tires,Portugal
Date3:May25,at830AM,in Tires,Portugal

From all the charts,the second one looked better to me.The Moon is conjunct Mercury,and Mercury is an Air house,although I'm a little bit confused about having the Moon and Venus in the12th..Still,that may mean that his feelings will be kept secret between the two of them(and a couple of close friends),instead of getting everyone's attention.I also looked at the5th house for romance,and,although the modern ruler is in the6th and moving Retrograde,it's traditional ruler is in beautifully dignified and conjunct the MC from the9th,being strong by angularity as well.The first chart seemed nice too,with the Moon exalted,in mutual reception with Venus and being strong by angularity,altough I'm not sure if I want the Moon in the house of the public...I want to save my friend the embarrassement of being mocked by others.Not only,but I also don't feel very comfortable with the Retrograde Mars...I have a bad feeling about the3rd chart,as the Mercury and the Sun are in the12th and the Moon,although being in it's natural house and being strong by angularity,is in a very reserved sign and in a very shy house;I'm worried that he may loose his courage...

What are your thoughts on this?I'm still confused because I'm not sure if I should look at the DC as well,since we're talking about relationships.In every case,the rising is Cancer,being the DC disposed by a not so nice Saturn in Leo!:eek:


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Kaiousei no Senshi

Premium Member
The one thing I see that's bad in all of these charts is the Capricorn is the Descendant. I don't think it's very good to have her associated with Saturn...especially a detrimented one. Another thing I see is that Mercury isn't in the first our third house, this is a definate point to make. Mercury in the twelefth house is bad, so throw out that third chart.

You'll want to hide Mars and Saturn, which you have done so fairly well. Also you have to consider the third house from the fifth/fifth from the third is the seventh house which you have signified by the same detrimented Saturn I was uncomfortable with you using as a significator for the young woman, this is bad. The letter may not be received well, or what's written in it will not be powerful at all, both of which would be unfortunate.


Well-known member
Hi Kaiousei,

(I didn't forget about your mystery charts by the way)

I know,having that detrimental Saturn signifying the Descendnat sucks,I think I will have to do more work and search for a time during our lunch breaks.In the three cases,I looked at the same dates but for our other breaks and the charts didn't look good so I sticked with this final three.I will do some more research and see if I can use the same days but with different times.

Well I really need to focus on this,my friend is trusting me to find him a fortunate date.If I fail he will probably never ask for my astrological advice again:p.

Kaiousei no Senshi

Premium Member
I know he may not like to, but there is the option of mailing it to her to get a better date. o_O

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention, you may also want to pair it up with the two participants' natal charts. It's an important step in electional astrology that most (even I in my early days) omit obliviously.
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Well-known member
Well,I was thinking about the same thing,or perhaps ask him to give the letter to one of her classmates so she can deliver the letter to her(I'm really strugling to find a nice date but so far I've just been driving myself crazy),but he really wants to give her the letter in hand.This hopeless romantics..they make life so hard for us:rolleyes: :D :p.

After giving this some more thinking,I came up with another possible date:May12,2:30PM,same location.This puts Pisces on the Descendant,and I have to say I really fancy the7th house Moon,and Pisces is a nice position for the Moon too.I don't know what to make of the Moon/Mars conjunction in the7th and,knowing the girl as I do,I can tell you she has a really bad temper,she's like an explosion in a gas station sometimes,so I'm worried that she may end up punching my friend instead of asphyxiating him with kisses but well,you can't have it all,can you?:p I don't like to see Mercury opposing it's natural house but Mercury is pretty strong in it's dignity and it's also conjunct the MC so let's give the stars some faith:p.On the other hand,Uranus is also in the7th,opposing the Ascendant,and we all know how Uranus loves to shake things up and do the unthinkable but once again,let's hope the planets are nice to us!!At least Saturn is well hidden in the12th.


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Well-known member
The first thing that comes to mind for an election for this type of thing, is Mercury and Venus, 'words and love', and what better than to have them in mutual reception, and the Moon translating light between them, consolidating their exchange.

Mercury is school-boys and Venus is school-girls.

As you said we would want Mercury to be well dignified, as the primary objective is to communicate, and it is the boy initiating the action. We might want the Moon in dignities of Mercury to act on his behalf in order to transport his message to her in translation. It might be good to have Venus receptive of Mercury in order for her to appreciate his message.

The third house would be a significant consideration, as it is communication and also classmates. So we might want Mercury, Venus or the Moon involved here, and we would also of course, want to bring the romantic fifth into play.

Saturn is an unstable influence at this time, being a detrimented malefic, so we would want to try and keep his influence in the background. It would be advisable not have Mercury, Venus or the Moon as rulers of the sixth, eighth and twelfth or in these houses, but Mercury is the joy of the sixth, boys delighting in mischief, and Venus is ruler of the twelfth, girls being naturally mysterious, so an acception can be made here.

These are just ideas I had for a good moment, but they are ideals and such moments, as in life, are rarely so perfect, and the course of love never did run smooth.

The things I like about the 15th May election, is that Moon rules the ascendant, and so represents the boy and he is in the domicile of Venus and in his own exaltation, as is the Sun which is his male passions. This only shows his adulation for her however, but there is some reciprocation by Venus, as she is in Mercury's face, and in strong dignities of the Moon. The Moon applies to Venus by sextile ensuring an action on behalf of the Moon, well received by Venus.

Venus is in her natural twelfth house of the enchantress, but Mercury rules over it's cusp, placing here under his spell.

Mercury is in the eleventh house, and Venus rule's over it's cusp, granting him beneficience by her, and he also rules over the third, and so over the letter.

A derimented Saturn in the second doesn't seem too ideal, but it could work, because we don't want the letter to be too comfortable in his possession, he is seeking to give it away, and Saturn rules the seventh and the letter is destined for another.

The fifth house is ruled by quite a powerfully positioned Mars, in it's triplicity at the top of the chart, and is in the exaltation of Venus. Venus is in the triplicity of Mars, ensuring that a display of passion is well received.

This seems like a quite a nice election.

Election two for the 18th May, sees the Moon ruling the ascendant and it will translate light between Mercury and Venus, Venus receiving the Moon well. However, on this occassion the Moon is in the domicile of Mercury rather than the domicile of Venus as in the previous election, and so he is in preoccupied with himself and what is written.

Mars ruler of the fifth is at midheaven, but this time Mars is in Aries, and so very strong, and this time in the detriment of Venus, so on this occassion the moment does not work as well for Venus, Mars being too powerful.

The Moon upon having left conjunction of Mercury has opposed domicile Jupiter in Mercury's detriment, ruler of the sixth house, which places some adversity upon the transportation of his message.

Election three for the 25th May, shows the ascendant ruler the Moon in Mercury's domicile, and Venus in the domicile of the Moon.

Mercury is in the twelfth house, ruled by Venus, and Venus is in the first and ruling the fifth, givng Venus a bit too much control at this moment, as it is meant to be him initiating the action in delivering the letter.

Saturn detriment is in the third house of the letter which does not bode well for it, and Mercury rules the fourth which ends matters, which isnt positive.

The best election out of the three would be the first one.
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Well-known member
Hi Draco,

Thank you for picking up the date,I told him to deliver the letter on May15 but he screwed it all,I just found it we already sent her the letter on last Friday!:eek: I still have to look at the ephemeries for Friday and have to ask him the hour,but I believe Mercury must be either combust or under the sunbeams.Not only,he didn't actually deliver the letter directly to her,he gave it to one of her friends,and the girl didn't give her the letter yet.My friend is sick with the flu(who gets the flu on May??:confused:)but when he comes back to school we will hear a lot from me!!!