at what range of age will i lose my virginity?

scorpio built

New member
I'm in my late 19 and have never lost it. Although it would be great to lose it this is not a desperation thread, I'm more interested to see how a horary question like this would be interpreted as I have never seen a question like this asked before.

The interesting is that I have never even been close. So I wonder if this can be seen in the chart as well.

Any help would be much appreciated.



Premium Member
in case can gather clues as relevant,
share feedbacks talents-traits-health-remedies-ideas etc

ketu cap asc, attention catching looks,
pain-injury-surgery head-knees etc;
donate 1.25kg every birthday
at Mata Mahakali temple sat after sunset;

venus lord 5th for luck-romance etc
debilated virgo 9th for luck-edu-travels-arranged marriage etc'
self-conscious and self-centred, seeking splendor in life;

venus lord 10th negating to 9th,
retired attitude towards career,
university-arts/pharma/teaching etc;
wear 0.25 carat diamond over platinum ring over little finger;

rahu cancer 7th for foreign travels n relationships; delayed though;

sun-moon libra 10th, wavery mind, stormy anger;
aptitude for public relations roles;
recite Aditya Hridayam regularly mornings at sunrise;

jup-sat aries 4th, aptitude for social work n advisory roles;
economic outlook, research in economics;
asc lord sat debilated; observe fast sat evenings;

sun-moon and sat opp, square rahu,
stress in career-home and parental relationships and health;

mer lord 9th for luck over scorpio 11th for gains,
research-occult-forensic aptitudes, multiple passionate friends,
sarcastic-investigative writings etc;

mer lord 6th over 11th,
extra efforts towards employment n earnings;
mer retro, delayed results;

jup now transit passionate mer scorpio 11th
trine rahu cancer 7th for marriage relationship;

jup direct since Aug 11th;

sat past 4-5m retro towards scorpio 11th
impacting income-gains-friendships; and
health issues, skin, urological etc;

sat-ketu separative SNode now transit mars sag 12th
for foreign lands, and tech-mech aptitudes;
pain-injury-surgery, thigh-feet inflammations;

Month or two later jup transit own sag-mars 12th for foreign lands,
mars significator for marriage-husband too;
sat transit mars could involve stress-struggle in foreign lands etc;
mars sag impulsive-sportive etc, ketu the catalyst;
may involve mechanical-drilling/cutting operations etc;

lords 1/7 sat-moon opp in aries-libra,
prone to opposition and conflict in relationship to care;

mars sag seeking a sportive personality,
while jup-sat aries could settle for an social advisor;
and venus virgo may seek artistic and caring persona.

virgo 9th settling overall life at 32+
gemini 9th from moon too at 32+

do ack n share feedbacks on the insights, life trends, etc
