Brangelina, Pitt vs. Jolie


Astrologers have historically used celebrities and historical figures for research and educational purposes. Celebrities and historical figures are lives whose general characteristics are widely known. Being widely known, astrologers can compare notes and share insights because all parties are more than a little acquainted with the subject. If you know little about either Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, a short, quick search on the internet will bring you up to speed. That is why we concentrate on the famous.

The Pitt/Jolie marriage is a nearly ideal example of the relationship arts of astrology, because it is one of the most famous marriages ever known.

One of the most striking features of one of the most famous marriages is the astrological fact that Pitt's vertex is on Jolie's Ascendant, and Jolie's vertex is on Pitt's Ascendant. The vertex is not well understood in astrology, but it continues to fascinate astrologers, and this example is a good reason why. Some people interpret vertex contacts in synastry as "fated" or "karmic" connections. This is often interpreted as if it is a bit beyond their control for better or worse. I believe that most relationships are karmic. They are between people who have known each other in a past life and who have unfinished business as a result. The word "karmic" is used too often in astrology as a vague term that means different things to different people, so its value in communication is lost.

In natal astrology, the vertex is believed to draw certain themes or topics into the native's life so that they become pronounced themes in the life without much more explanation than that. Seymour-Smith uses Thomas Hardy's Saturn on his vertex as an example. This was alleged to indicate his cynicism and pessimism that was one of the few mars on his popularity. Some of his critics thought it unchristian of him, which was a severe rebuke in Hardy's day, otherwise he was financially and professionally successful and widely praised for his excellent literature.

As an astrologer, I am aware that most people do not consult full-fledged synastry in planning a marriage decision. That is why there are so many poor candidates for happy marriage among us. We do have some happy marriages among celebrities and historical figures that exemplify generally the fundamentals of astrological comparison, but the Pitt-Jolie marriage is a particularly difficult synastry; so much so that one wonders why they bothered, but as we analyze the couple, we will get some glimmers of human understanding.


Angelina Jolie's natal chart has two configurations on the angles that indicate an elaborate message is being symbolized in her chart. It is such features where I begin in interpretation usually. Conventional astrologers would be quick to identify the ruler of the sign on the Ascendant as the chart ruler which is theoretically revealing about the chart, but when a planet conjuncts the Ascendant, it becomes the ruler by convention. I use planets, configurations, or aspects to the angles as the rulers because they function more purely and consistently than the conventional "rulers" do. And if I find multiple rulers or a ruling aspect or configuration, I am quite pleased because it is a big help. Planets aspecting the midpoint of the Ascendant and Midheaven are also rulers and have the property of being "angular". By "ruler", it is assumed symbols for dominant themes in the life.

I will begin with the indications that Jolie is an actor. Mars is a member of the stellium on the Mc, and Mars trines Neptune quite closely. Mars/Neptune trine is often a sign of a successful actor. In this case, Neptune is also opposite the As/Mc midpoint. This further enhances the dramatic theme and brings in the glamorous, the deluded, the spiritual, or the deranged. Sun also opposes this Neptune while it sextiles the angular Mars. So we have a configuration that further enhances the picture of an actor: Sun opposed to Neptune with Mars trining one end of the opposition and sextiling the other, a star. But Neptune with the angles and also opposing the Sun brings suggestion of mental illness. Such things can be psychopathic in nature.

To complete the Mc stellium we see Moon and Jupiter conjunct the Mc. This shows a great popularity and success in her career. She won the academy award rather early in her career. She is an excellent actor with a wide fan base.

The Mc stellium is square the conjunction on her Ascendant. Venus on the Ascendant in close square to Uranus suggests that she is very attractive and very anti-puritannical. She may shock the public with her romantic escapades. Venus on the Ascendant square Uranus closely also speaks of the noteriety of her marriage and its subsequent divorce. Venus is also conjunct Saturn, so it is drawn into the square to Uranus suggesting a femme fatale. She may seem heartless and severe in her separations.

Saturn in the Twelfth House is closely squares the Mc and the stellium there. She felt she was dealt with unsympathetically by her authority figures as she grew up. She seems to dislike her father, and she lost her mother rather early in her life. The square of Saturn to Jupiter suggests she will take on responsibilities that she is ill-prepared for. She may become trapped by those responsibilities with large burdens or large losses to endure. With Saturn also squaring Moon and Mars, she feels her past was a bitter experience, her family was beset with animosity and anger. It also symbolizes the death of her mother which was early enough to be traumatic. She does not easily express warmth or trust.

Venus/Saturn squared to Jupiter suggests meanness.


Brad Pitt does not have elaborate conjunctions on his angles and he doesn't have anything aspecting the As/Mc midpoint. Thus, we may look for aspects to the Sun/Moon midpoint as another avenue for rulers. The chart significators are As, Mc, Sun, and Moon. We look first for connections to any two (or more) of these. At his Sun/Moon midpoint is Mars square to Jupiter. This shows someone who is eager to get married and start a family. He may be quite a success in life, too, but he will be guilty of being excessively impulsive. Mars is conjunct Mercury, and the Mars/Mercury conjunction is sextile Neptune. At the Mars/Neptune midpoint is Ascendant. This combination of Mercury/Neptune and Mars/Neptune suggests an actor. Ascendant at the Mars/Neptune midpoint may signify substance abuse.

Jupiter rules the Ascendant sign and trines the Ascendant point. He can be very pleasant and appealing. He will attract praise and honor to him. This may promote him socially.

Mars trines the Pluto/Uranus conjunction not too far from the Mc. The Mars/Uranus trine suggests that he may seek to enhance his manliness, and that is often done by bodybuilding. He is a powerful fighter, and it would be unwise to trifle with him. Since Mars is at the Sun/Moon midpoint, he is quite ambitious. He is fearless. He is one of the few actors who confronted Harvey Weinstein. He did so when Weinstein was inappropriate with his girlfriend, Gwinneth Paltrow. Even though it is a trine, the Mars/Uranus aspect may signal irritability.

His Venus is conjunct Moon and both are trine the Mc. He seeks a mate and a family and a beautiful home. He wants ease and wealth.

Just as Jolie is a beauty icon, so is Pitt an icon of male beauty. We see this astrologically two ways. Venus/Moon squares the Neptune/Mc midpoint, and Neptune squares the Venus/Uranus midpoint. In the latter case, it suggests that he will have an unhappy relationship that he feels resigned to.

Mars/South_Node at the Sun/Moon suggests that Pitt wants to be loved and admired. He will be challenged to be a team player. He will wobble between being cooperative and uncooperative. He can be brutal. He is enthusiastic, but then cools off. He is an excitable exhibitionist.


In the synastry chart, Jolie's Sun/Neptune opposition lies across Pitt's Asc/Desc axis. Neptune on Ascendant and Sun on Descendant. With her Sun on his Descendant, he perceived her as an ideal partner, but it was based on her capacity to weave an illusion. He would later perceive her as nutty or worse.

Jolie's Mars is closely square Pitt's Mars. This suggests that the relationship was chiefly motivated by the desire for sexual gratification with little regard for love or compatibility. It was the appeal of each partner that heated up the relationship, but it was a narrow motive. They will both object very strongly to being ordered about.

Their Venuses oppose each other, and the orb is not very close. That will draw some attraction and some affection, but it is a delicate mix that requires both parties to be receptive and adaptive to the moods of the other.

Jolie's Saturn is opposed to Pitt's Mercury, and her Jupiter is squared. This combines her Jupiter/Saturn square with his Mercury. There may be philosophical conversations, but they are marred by inflexibility and dogmatism in their application. Pitt will feel limited by Jolie in his expression. Both actors are opinionated (Moon/Mars), and it is at the heart of much conflict and hostility. There will be domestic squabbles at a rather constant rate.


In the composite chart, Mercury-oppose-Uranus falls on the Asc/Desc axis, Uranus on Ascendant. They love to goad each other with rather outrageous comments or ideas. They each seek to shock the other, and it will lead to spectacular scenes between them. The relationship will appear strange to onlookers who witness this. There is considerable annoyance due to trivial curiosity that seems pointless. They may seem to each other to have illogical and impractical ideas. There will be little calm or relaxation.

Venus trines Mars very closely, so they will enjoy a sense of being physically very compatible. They can enjoy each other physically.

Feel free to share your take on the relationship astrologically.


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