Younger brother relationship


New member

My details: DoB: 08-10-1976, ToB: 07:10 am, PoB: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
My Brother: DoB: 02-05-1980, ToB: 03:40 am, PoB: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

I would like to know what kind of relationship we will have?

Kind Regards,


Well-known member

its very interesting in todays fast moving world u ask like this , u r care of your brother .

you are libra asc meena rasi mars rahu combination is not good in terms of siblings relationship it spoils , it separates siblings and keeps them forgein land . you have 3rd lord in 8th house who is also 6th lord for u , it gives natural enmity with siblings u may have had good moments in childhood but as time goes on you both start developing animosity towards each other . that may shock you your brothers bitter side haunts you . you may not have imagined that before . also mars rahu combination is not good for brothers longevity . brother will suffer in foreign land . but highly spiritual brother .

be careful from 2032 u may have issues with brother , quarrels and disputes arises . also he may have some health problems due to bad habits ...