Im so confused! My pendulum gave me wrong answers?


New member
Do cats have the ability to rid all bad energy from a household? Because I used my pendulum and I was getting a very mixed reading from it and a few wrong answers. Could it be lower astral forces answering me? Can cats even detect lower energies or can they only ward off evil spirits?


Premium Member
Welcome to the Forum. Besides being an astrologer, I am also a spiritualist. Cats will not help you get rid of unwanted spirits. Do not give up on your pendulum. You have to know the name of the spirit you are talking to. First ask your spirit guide to give you her or his name. Spirits love pendulums so use your pendulum. Go though the alphabet for each letter of the name--yes or no. Once you have your guide's name. Ask her if there are any other spirits around and if any of them are giving you trouble. Get the name of any trouble maker spirit the same way you did with the guide. Then you can command it to leave your house and your presence. It helps to arm yourself with a mirror and a dagger. You can use a knife in place of the dagger.