In which house does my Uranus/Neptune Conjunction fall?


Well-known member
In Placidus, one half (Uranus) is in the 2nd, while the other (Neptune) is in the 3rd (see first attachment)

In Koch the entire conjunction is sorted into the 3rd house (second attachment)...

Which system is more accurate, and how does the fact that both planets are in retrograde affect their house-placement? does this mean Neptune is entering or exiting the third? and Uranus?...

confused thanks


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Well-known member
Hi. There's not much in it. I would think of the entire conjunction being in the third house even using Placidus houses.


Well-known member
Yes, the different House systems can seem to contradict in some cases. I would suggest considering the house cusps as more of a gradient—as when green become blue—than a barrier between one and the other. The 1, 4, 7, & 10 House should be considered more definitive but the other house cusps should be regarded as points of transition rather then black and white differences. In all cases a cusp contains qualities of what has been and what is becoming. Sometimes we need to resist our need for symmetry and hard rules in favor of a gradient flow of symbolic information.
Hope this helps


Well-known member
Have you tried looking at your chart in whole sign houses? Then the conj. is in the third house. Saturn would be a 4th house planet, Moon in 9th and Jupiter in 10th.


Well-known member
You are causing yourself unnecessary confusion.

There are a couple of dozen house systems. You are inexperienced (or you wouldn't be asking this question) and are therefore forced to choose one system of houses arbitrarily. That being so, make your life simpler, remove the mental clutter and choose a system, then stick with it. Then, after you have some experience under your belt and know better how to use houses, you can try different systems and decide for yourself which you think more accurate.

If I were to recommend a house system, it would probably be Placidus (it's what I "works"), or Whole Sign, or Porphyry.

Uranus in your Placidus chart is less than one degree distant from the cusp. This is "an exact conjunction." There is no reason to consider him as in the Second. Vary your birth time by one minute and.... furthermore, the conjunction with Neptune, who is clearly posited in the Third draws Uranus there; the conjunction is (ultimately) applying. And with the cusp itself occupied, there is extra emphasis on the house (3-9 axis). Also, the lord of the house is in the house and in his domicile; he rules the two and pulls them toward him...that is, his interest lies in the Third, so the two planets he disposes gravitate toward Third House affairs.

Here's an interesting article on houses. It shows how one astrologer went about comparing them, and discusses the Porphyry system.
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