Any experience with a t-square saying hi to a stellium?


Hello dear community,

I am coming to you as I am seriously trying to understand my t-square and stellium but without much luck.

It is said that a t square can only have one mode, but mine is playing with mutable and fixed. Moon opposite Saturn in Pisces and Virgo but squaring Pluto and Jupiter in Scorpio, as well as the Sun in Sagittarius.

I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience with this, and how you experienced it.

Here the chart, and thank you!


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I only see 1, moon in virgo; opp saturn in pisces; squ sun in sagittarius - gemini is your missing leg & venus is your way out. Honestly, I would only focus on that t-square.


Hi Pixels,

So very sorry for the late reply, really thought I replied to this.

I see your point, I thought Pluto was there too but it is a +7 degrees at Saturn so fair.

I was just wondering if the conjunctions Sun/Pluto/Jupiter/Mercury would affect how those planets interact with the other planets' aspects. That was pure speculation on my part.

Thank you!


Hi astroubi!

I do think the conjunctions affect it bcuz they are all in the same house, 11th.

EDIT: I took this paragraph out about you having had your Saturn return. I should have asked instead what year you were born in. I checked my oldest child's chart & realized you are younger than she is, so are you in your early to mid 20s? If so, way cudos to you for looking into astrology and my quess is that you'll probably answer yes to at least my first question below. Feel free to pm me if so.

My 2 questions are: are you interested in anything "occult/hidden mysteries/ageless wisdom" - astrology falls under this and you are interested in that, lol. Also, do you like communicating/writing about your life experiences which include your philosophy or how you see philosophy?

Both of my t-square apexes are the luminaries & heavy hitters:
Moon square Saturn & Neptune
Sun square Pluto & Mars

Pixels 😁
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Hi Pixels :)

Yes no Saturn return for me yet :smile: actually transit Saturn is currently sextile to my natal Venus and Saturn, and trine Moon, so at the moment not complaining about Saturn! I was born late 1994, so I have another 5 years or so before the Saturn Return. However, I am close to my Jupiter Return with Jupiter being the ruler of my chart!

Towards your first question, I am currently studying a postgraduate in design and my current research lies in beliefs systems (religious and non-religious) and how they influence our intuition and choice making. When it comes to the occult, that is something always weird to define for me, but yes I do love astrology and Lords of the Rings and Harry Potter is something I love since a young age. Can you call that research something hidden mysteries/ageless wisdom? Why not.

For the second question, I guess, yes, studying design and communication I do communicate in academic writing but mainly with creativity (I guess my Venus conjunct Midheaven in Scorpio/Libra is strong here). Understanding my philosophy is key to identify what kind of designer I am but I am fully aware that I am a work in progress changing details of my philosophy often (Pluto? Lol).

Let me know why those questions, I am interested :)

Thank you!


Yes, I did see that you're about to have your Jupiter return soon. Having Jupiter and other planets/points there are part of why I asked about any interest in hidden things be they occult/mysteries or detective/research (I didn't add the latter before tho). Also cuz you have Moon & Mars in your 8H.

That's really cool that your research has to do with belief systems be they religious or non. I'm an avid researcher in astrology/tarot/numerology and the Christian & occult type mysteries, among other things that may interest me. Yes, any kind of looking into or researching of phenomenon would denote, in my opinion, mysteries/ageless wisdom.

I can see exactly where Pluto would play in your understanding of your philosophy being conjunct Jupiter & your NN also in Scorpio. My guess would be that thru your vocation you'll share the gift of your philosophy and whatever else you're creating with much love and value for yourself and others.

My guess too is that you may have a good Saturn return, as it sounds like you are already off on your own ie more independent as opposed to being dependent on your parents or others in your thoughts/deeds & school/work.

Pixels 🌝


Once again - so so sorry for the late reply.......

I checked a bit Jupiter's retrograde in 2018 as it is going to start in two weeks and is my planetary ruler. Jupiter will be going back until it conjuncts my NN (10th house) and will be leaving the RX zone when conjunct Mercury (11th house) roughly 7 weeks before my birthday. This sounds pretty exciting actually, in perfect timing for me to question my visions at the beginning of my last year of study.

I've been studying SR lately, and should I mention my SR ascendant is conjunct my natal Moon and Mars conjunction this year? Not surprised I've been feeling this energy much strongly lately...

Thank you for your kind words!

At the moment I've been working hard on analysing beliefs, how they interact and what they are, their personal and collective aspects, I may drop you a private message soon about it if you'd like to chat about it more!


Never a worry on reply timing 😁 Yes, please do PM me when you you have time. I'm currently doing Pathwork along with Plutowork.


Premium Member
What make a t-square tense [and a t-square] is the fact that the planets involved are in the same elements. Your t-square is mutable, between personal inner planets Sun and Moon and also collective Saturn, so it is integral in your reaction to inner and outer life. Using the Whole Sign House system, the t-square is even more influential in your psyche and life, since it is positioned in the angular 1st, 4th and 10th houses.

The stellium in Scorp in the 12th sign/house is of interest, but, to my way of thinking, essentially unrelated to the t-square, because even though it is within orb of your Sun, it is out-of-sign. The part of the stellium that does connect with the t-square is Venus' trine to Saturn. So Venus is important as an exit point for releasing the energy that can get bound up in the t-square. There are many nuances of these configurations in your chart that are governed by their house position and their relation to the sign of the planets that they aspect, all of which may shed more light on how they work in your life.

It is useful to break the planets and configurations down into their most fundamental parts and then when you have better understanding of them, you can look to see how the parts connect by aspect and reception.

Wishing you the best.


What make a t-square tense [and a t-square] is the fact that the planets involved are in the same elements. Your t-square is mutable, between personal inner planets Sun and Moon and also collective Saturn, so it is integral in your reaction to inner and outer life. Using the Whole Sign House system, the t-square is even more influential in your psyche and life, since it is positioned in the angular 1st, 4th and 10th houses.

The stellium in Scorp in the 12th sign/house is of interest, but, to my way of thinking, essentially unrelated to the t-square, because even though it is within orb of your Sun, it is out-of-sign. The part of the stellium that does connect with the t-square is Venus' trine to Saturn. So Venus is important as an exit point for releasing the energy that can get bound up in the t-square. There are many nuances of these configurations in your chart that are governed by their house position and their relation to the sign of the planets that they aspect, all of which may shed more light on how they work in your life.

It is useful to break the planets and configurations down into their most fundamental parts and then when you have better understanding of them, you can look to see how the parts connect by aspect and reception.

Wishing you the best.

Hi IleneK and sorry for the late reply! I never forgot it - I did read your message as soon as you wrote it; but it took me a long time to grasp the whole house system – your words did spring a new understanding of my chart that took me a while to take in!

So a bit late, but thank you for your message :)