California Wildfires


Well-known member
I have just been through the CA wildfires and curious if the transits have anything to do with the fire. Would Mercury retrograde be responsible for something so sinister or is it Mars in Cancer?


Well-known member
I think it has to do with Mercury (wind), Mars (fire) and Saturn (loss). Especially the Saturn-Southnode conjunction, two objects that are quite malefic in mundane astrology.

Saturn is transiting the south node this week at the midpoint of a Mercury-Mars trine, together with the north node a powerful kite is formed with the Saturn-Southnode conjunct at the "hot spot".

The Saturn-S.Node conjunction was exact the 23rd, then started to separate, very much in time with the peak and then subsequent reduction of winds leading to things starting to get under control, although it is still a bad situation that hasn't been resolved.

This kite was active between Oct 2 and Oct 22. Very unusual for a configuration involving inner planets.. Retrogrades are the key to this. Mars is slowing down as it approaches it retrograde station and Mercury went retrograde during this period, putting Mercury in the first decan of Scorpio for an extended period of time.

I haven't had a chance to review recent ingresses and eclipses set for California, but I would suspect something in these charts would be relevant as well.

I'm sure there are a number of details I'm not aware of... Interested to see what others notice :)