My ideas about my chart... what do you think?


Well-known member
Note that I'm deliberately using the Equal House system, as I find that it seems to fit my life experiences better. I'm also trying especially hard to sound like I know what I'm talking about, as I want to make a good first impression. ;)

My Sun is in Aries, but I find that I usually don't seem to act very much like a stereotypical Aries. I'm hypothesizing that this is caused by a few things:

1. The majority of my planets are in Earth signs (Capricorn and Taurus)
2. My 4th house Libra moon opposes my 10th house sun, and appears to be far better aspected.
3. My Gemini ascendant, being an air sign, tends to pair up with my moon's influence rather than my Sun's. This is especially emphasized because there are no supporting Fire signs in my chart.
4. Mercury in Pisces (which rules my ascendant, BTW!) conjunct North Node in the same house as my Sun works to counter it's effectiveness/visibility in that area of life to some degree.

Anyway, here are my interpretations of some other astrological factors in my chart in relation to life circumstances.

Transsexuality: Mars in 8th, Venus in 12th (both in earth signs), Retrograde Pluto (Scorpio) in 5th. Moon having better aspects than Sun, again, and being linked to Mars and Venus via trines. Chiron in the 1st house could be relevant, too.

Have never gotten money from anyone outside of my family, or a situation created by them: 2nd house ruled by Cancer. Libra Moon in 4th. Only other possible influence being Venus in Taurus, which is stuck off in the 12th house.

Another interesting aspect to me, is Mercury in Pisces opposing my Moon in Libra. It's true that my heart and mind often work against each other, AND that, interestingly enough, I often respond viscerally to poor logic/injustice, yet consciously think with an emotional/compassionate tinge. So they're mingled yet opposed in strange ways... very interesting to me, anyway.

I must admit, I have no idea what to make of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune, though. The only hunch I have about Jupiter opposition Pluto is that it has something to do with why I tend to behave outwardly in a less Pluto in Scorpio manner than most members of my generation. The others, I couldn't guess on. Unless maybe Neptune in 7th leads to illusions about how relationships work in the material world? Saturn leads to difficulty in relationships? That's plausible, since I've formed and kept very few relationships, especially in real life (online goes better). Well, that's all I've got. I have no idea what Uranus could mean, or whether it's significant that those three planets in the 7th are all conjunct and trining Jupiter.


Anyway, here's my chart. Enjoy! :)
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Next I suggest you look at hemispheres and elements and aspects....

Lack of elements
You have 6out of 10 in earth element. Only 1in air but 3planets in air houses and air on Asc and MC to compensate. Your chart also lacks water but 3planets in water houses....

Researching rulers of houses will help you understand more where I joining the dots so to speak

Houses: angular houses 1/7 4/10 the energies of planets placed here are obvious cos it's your 'shop window' visible for everyone to see. Next the succeedent houses 2/8 & 5/11 the energies in these houses are not in shop window the are in the shop, but stood behind the counter, ready to come out when needed. Lastly, cadent houses 6/12 & 3/9 these houses/planets are not in shop window or stood behind the counter, they are in the back storeroom and only come out when 'triggered' or an emergency and much harder to recognise and access...

The houses are like the backdrop of a stage, the setting if you like, the planets are like actors and the aspects are how the planets behave in that settings/stage....

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