Do you believe in God?


Well-known member
I do believe in God and perceive God as eternal energy of and in everything. God is inside and outside each and everyone, including the heavenly stars and planets of astrology, that are reflections of ourselves.


Well-known member
I remember from the bible the people of Moses I think.... When at their camp they were worshiping this golden bull and God got very angry with it and said something like: dont worship anything else than me. What was that about? Why should we worship God so much as an own "person"?


Well-known member
God is not a person in the same way that we are. God is Infinite. We are finite. Basically, there is nothing that God is not, so all descriptors become meaningless. He is All collectively and in all individually. His instruction was to keep our minds on His Infinity and not anything smaller. All the "necessities" we pursue and all the ideas we think are good are nothing but dust blown in the wind as we are. He is Life, the eternal foundation of all existence. Anything smaller can only mislead you. This is why Jesus was special. He was the one to bring the Infinite and the finite together on Earth, bringing human form to perfection and destining the rest of us to follow. He is the model for our physical existence. We are now born in the image of the first Adam and, because of His actions as Jesus, we shall be born in the image of the second Adam. That Jeffrey Furst book does a lot to explain this process.


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I never really understood the bible. When I was a kid I thought that many of these stories from the bible sounded so harsh and strict, and therefore I had a hard time believing in God. But luckily its changing a little now that Im older. Have a little "allergy" for religions and churches seperating groups from each other ofcourse.


Well-known member
What i find rather fascinating is alot of the phrases from the bible resonate as metaphors for the spiritual experience, i had no interest in anything associated with religion or mystic writing prior to my own awakening; and now i notice the relationship with everything.

Something as simple as: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." takes on a world of new meaning.


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Neptune Rising, I'm pondering your Pluto trining South Node in the 6th, and I interpret it as you being able to delve deeply into all matters in your everyday life, work, and routines. Your approach everyday is to investigate the root causes of daily events and find the reasons for them, that helps you then determine the actions you will take.

I definitely agree with you, Lazarusx and Mark, as to the nature of the Bible and God, as is before our eyes in astrology. The star of Bethlehem that portended the coming of Jesus illustrates the spiritual nature of astrology, as it involves the heavens above and their influence on events and people. Sacred texts of yonder, like the Zoroastrian, Hindu, Hebrew, Buddhist, Islamic ones and others, thought of astrologers as "readers of the heavens," as they found spiritual meaning in them. The heavens speak to us because of God within.


Well-known member
Just trying to test the waters here. I wonder how people here relate to God and Astrology.
Please answer honestly. Nobody but you knows the answer you gave.

So this is one of those 'trick' questions because of how language and the memes and images it induces can affect people differently. I know there was no tricky intention behind the question.

What I believe in is not a singular "God" as a separate entity looking down like a voyeur with prurient interest in people's suffering, behavior, thoughts in this dimension, or in an hierarchy that goes with such an authoritarian setup. In other words, god the moralist does not exist in my reality. Even the Hebrews did not have such a figure scripted into their stories in the Old Testament (that script was more patriarchy than theology). There were numerous words for god, some of which were feminine, some masculine, some singular, some plural. In other words the notion we have of their monotheism is essentially a myth only, not the whole reality. Rather I think there is a 'Heart' of everything, a center of pure life force that is Love somewhere in the Universe - in each dimension maybe.

I'm heavily influenced by my Taoist past lives, and by most recently influenced by my Christian upbringing in Baptist churches and Christian schools where the emphasis was on Jesus' Love. I still look to that and draw upon it since I see him as the most courageous of Healers, the healer of healers.

I had a pivotal moment when I was around 20. I was walking alone on a back road near my home and realized that either God is Love or I'm an atheist. Either way would have been okay. I chose "God is Love" since its simple and works both ways. God = Love means Love = God. It was practical since it implies what to do, how to live.

Love is a verb - an action, not a description of a noun object or elusive ideal experience that comes to us from some other place. When we put Love into motion we put God/dess into motion in this dimension. In doing so we dignify ourselves to a God/dess place and activate the Divinity that is already in us. It starts with Loving ourselves rather than denigrating ourselves.

In reaching for theology people can reach and reach with the intellect. Ultimately it leads us back to ourselves and to our own actions, since we all have seen and/or experienced Love and know what it is.


Well-known member
God created the stars for signs and for seasons (from Genesis) .
Yes , I believe in God . . . and his creation . . . astrology !



Well-known member
Yes. Without a doubt. SomeOne had to have designed the universe, it's too beautifully organized to have been an accident.

The solar system that He gave us to use in the study of Astrology (and for many other things) is simply his "pocket watch".


You bet I do.

I haven’t read any of the past posts (but I will). The topic intrigued me and here I am, tossing in two cents.

Although I respect all religious writings (and the written word counts big time with me), I have my own personal concept of God that has been with me since first pursuing the study of numbers (numerology). After studying all numbers, combinations, and formulas, I was struck with the fact that the concept of zero was not being discussed anywhere. Okay, so it’s not a number per se, but it is a concept and a place-holder. Without it we couldn’t move on/up to the next mathematical level. But what about that very first zero? The Bible (for example) starts with “In the beginning there was nothing.” Was the concept of our beginning and God a non-entity place-holder? Something I could always come back to, branch out from, should I feel lost?

I thought about it further. My personal conclusion was that God is the ultimate center of the ALL. One perfect mathematical ZERO from which can spin off anything. Most important, that ALL is made up of black and white and all shades in between. So I must for learn myself and then for what I am not. Do I tolerate, do I fight, do I walk away and let be? Once I learned it for myself I looked beyond my own circle. Our planet, this world, our own individual place in a community - it’s really all about the perfect math of God. It’s all about where we have been on the spin out of the zero, and where we still need to go on our wheel before reaching our ultimate goal – that center of God, the All.

The All that I believe in doesn’t do judgment. You get your own road. God’s perfect justice – you pick the next step – the life lessons - the next chance for salvation or regression. You learn what you are and what you are not. The system of the All presents: “You earned the right to be here – now where do you want to go given what your soul has learned?”

I find that astrology is the most reliable cosmic/mathematical tool to chart a personal course. It shows me what I chose. It shows me the God-Given gifts I brought with me. It shows me both my birthrights and the rocky roads I have ahead of me. If I can get past all my everyday rocky road stuff, I might be able to reach for those God-All-Zero times. I just might be able to spin myself off into my own next heaven.

I think that God’s perfect justice is that when I die I will find exactly what the-all-of-me expects to find. If any judgment is passed, it will be my own. I may decide that I have more to learn. I may feel I’ve learned my lessons and am ready to move on. The bad news: Given true evolution, my new heaven may have no physical body.

So, enjoy. Now is the time for you to love and learn the wonder of God the All. It may be that touching, loving, adoring skin (physical love) may be the only reason your soul has come back into this more freedom-loving era. Maybe God is all about Love (whatever is constructive) in all its forms.


Well-known member
Yes i do believe in God and i also enjoy astrology. I believe Christ birth was foretold and it was astrologist (the magi) that followed the star


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In a way I do, due to my Christian upbringing in a Protestant home (but I didn't attend church as a child) and my Dad was lapsed Catholic/my Mom was a former Baptist means I explore differences in religion in my childhood in my diverse family. I'm agnostic who feels humanity isn't sure of yet feels the presence, possible existence and interprets their own idea or appearance of god(s) or deities of their personal and/or individual religions.


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The God described in the Bible is a deity not unlike the fickle, changeable gods of the Pantheon. Through Roman conquest he has become everyone's religion, and the prevalence for monotheism, especially Christianity, is one written in blood. As I am not a descendant of any Middle Eastern culture, I don't have any stake in the Big Three, and I don't understand why the modern world continues to conduct itself in accordance with traditions established for one group of people in one part of the world.

I believe that true compassion is out of the reach of human beings, and to be truly "one with the universe" you must be something more than just a mere human.


... I believe that true compassion is out of the reach of human beings, and to be truly "one with the universe" you must be something more than just a mere human.

Then there is always hope, as long as compassion is truly a universal goal.

It is in our best interest to become whole - to smooth our rough edges and find mutual horizons. We should all keep a better tomorrow in mind. Any good God would certainly wish that for us all.

imho -- K
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Active member
God for me is an energy entity that trascends all the limits of our imagination. It cannot be expressed with concrete words/explanations, it can only be felt by our spirit. That's my two cents.;)

Beautiful Ending

Well-known member
I think there's a God(s) of some sort purely because the earth and universe are so magnificantly perfect that it couldn't of simply happened from The Big Bang or maybe it could have and my human brain just cannot comprehend it. I think that all religions lead to the same God(s), the original story just got modified when it reached a different contry and now we've got different religions. I don't believe in religion or what it teaches though. This post was one big contradiction only because I'm not sure what I believe in.