PoF Incorrectly Calculated in Astro.com??


Well-known member
Maybe I'm not seeing something, but I was just visiting the Arabic Parts Calculator website and I realized the calculation for Part of Fortune is distinguished between AM & PM births. My PoF is completely different using the PM calculation. This whole time my PoF has been calculated using the AM method at astro.com. Is there a way to fix that or is it a known error on astro's website??

dr. farr

Well-known member
astro.com will calculate the day formula or night formula depending upon the Sun being above or below the horizon UNLESS you mark the option "day formula only" in the selection next to the "additional objects" menu.
Remember though that the different formulas are NOT EVER BASED ON AM OR PM!!!
They are instead based on whether the Sun is above the horizon (the descendant degree) or below the horizon (below the descendant degree), ie, whether it is day or night.


Well-known member
Oh, that clears up my confusion then. My sun's degree is below my ascendant's degree. So I take it that would be calculated as ASC + Moon - Sun (AM)? That AM PM thing confused me. I thought it related strictly to time of birth.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Look at your chart: is the Sun above the ascendant/descendant line? If yes, then yours was a day birth and you would use the POF day formula (asc+moon-sun) If, however, your Sun is under (below) the ascendant/descendant line on the chart, then yours was a night birth and you would use the POF night formula (asc+sun-moon)...