Coming Back To Apologize


Well-known member
Okay, I have a feeling someone (dunno who hence the chart) is going to come back and apologize for treating me a certain way. I wondered if that showed in this chart, or at least what house do I look to for such a thing - 12th?



Well-known member
You may be picking up on an emotional vibe, someone wants to express something but I don't think the communication will have enough benefic energy to activate.


Saturn in the first is a stricture against reading the chart especially since he is not a significator. Even more so. Saturn will turn retrograde soon, making the question moot point for now. Your signifactor mars squares moon and venus, but turns retrograde mid april and back into the unfortunate 12H of self undoings. I would say no and likely you may need to be the one to apologize for losing your cool.


Well-known member
Okay, I have a feeling someone (dunno who hence the chart) is going to come back and apologize for treating me a certain way. I wondered if that showed in this chart, or at least what house do I look to for such a thing - 12th?


i'd say yes... but you will blow him off