AC 5° Libra -mars 15, Pluto 1° Scorpio (1st house)


New member
I need clarification from the crowd.... Concerning primarily the topic of stellium technocalities...what am I work with here:
Libra rising 5° along with Mars 15°, but still in first house is Pluto 1° Scorpio; then send house also Scorpio has shared the ironic conjunction of Venus 10°/Saturn 12,° imeadiatley flowing into the 3house containing the Sagittarius super-stellium of 10° Uranus,(15°south node)22°Jupiter,23°Sun, and 28° Neptune which still flows into 4th house Capricorn soloist at 13 ° Capricorn.. L (and because they rest on critical degrees I'll mention Lilith (true)5th house 0° PICES and Chiron 29° Taurus 8th house (I know I know, it's also conjunct part of fortune at 28°) and yes it's a bucket chart with the same 8th house Taurus also includes the moon handle at 2°. And yes I know I share Trump's 15° Gemini north node, but the the cosmic designer can keep that one, I won't be get around to it . I probably could've condensed this but it partially supports the communication ability as clogged by Sagittarius stellium and muffled by mercury in Capricorn if tried to vocalize in person such a padded question. I can't find anything on the dynamics especially Pluto in Scorpio but 1st house and my personal input is I needed to be interchangeable in that area and able to pull it into either 1st or 2nd house on a whim accordingly as I've managed to survive mingling with true psychopathic monsters by flying under their radar or playing up the Oscar Worthy role as "femme fatale" they all seem amused by and leave me to live another bullet dodging day. (And yes I found a live hollow point walking home from the tanning bed I can't afford just laying on the sidewalk. Pluto's doing? Or maybe algol identifying with and protecting me ... I was almost decapitated but the shotgun miraculously misfired. Shoot. Rambling side-notes always prevent any real communication ability. As demonstrated here. Thanks ,and believe me, I annoy myself too.

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