Plutonian..they said he would just cheat


Well-known member
First of all, there are just way too many lines on that chart. Uncheck the "Draw Aspect Lines to All" box. It makes it very hard to read.

Next, please attach your new (fewer lines) chart by following the instructions here. This is how the astrologers on here like to see the chart :wink:


Well-known member
Heres the one with the fewer lines ;)

thanks for the heads up :)

the reason why I posted this composite is...

My friend who glanced at the chart basically told me... That this could work, but that I am not the woman he has in mind, the type which would sit at home and he could go around doing as he please,not to mention cheat around freely as much as he wants to. she basically told me he is an emotional zero who cant be with one person, because of his Venus and Mercury, and that his Moon ,besides being challenged, is in a bad sign,so he cant even commit or have an emotioanl..anything with anyone. She told me if I want to sit around while he screws around I should just go ahead, but wanred me if I contiue he will likely cause me self esteem issues and make me a generally ******* up person which,acoording to her I shouldnt allow because I am, I quote '' a healthy and normal woman with Moon in Cancer''.

I miss him... I miss the phsycial,more than anything..he once told me I was the woman he had been waiting for his entire life.

for some odd reasons,and I dont know why because when we started I didnt feel anything for him... I dont love him but..theres this thing I cant explain when Im with him,Ive never really felt something like this...with anyone... but at the same time my pride just wont allow me to bend over and allow him to neglect me. If I would by some magic loose my pride than this could work,but I dont want to... I am not the type of person to love ''freely'' that is not my character,it gooes against my core.. and my core is loyalty ( thats Saint to me ) intensity,passion,trust... ok we have the later but I cant settle ,even if we were just in a sexual relationship,to be this badly left behind ,and then just allow him to get at me whenever he wants.

so I am kind of internally struggling. He told me once,if I want to,I could be with other people, ( even thoughhe acted extremely jealous when I forgot to call him one night ) but thats the thing, I cant... I cant do that to people. lie to one guy,whilst seeing another one,having 5-10 on the side... thats so not in my nature,because even though I do not love him I thought I owed him my respect. so,the scenario is painted where he would sleep with other women, I would just get more grumpy,unhappy, jealous...I wont be able to deal with those things,especially the neglect and blowing hot and cold.

he goes to extremes...from giving me undivided attention and treating me like a queen,and then all of a sudden he disapeared, started giving me cold treatments... so I wanted basically a glance at the chart,would this betwen us continue,is it something powerfull or just misery...
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Well-known member
Traits that he would show in a relationship would be first shown by his natal chart, and the relationship might add some flavor as to how he'll act. But it's principally the natal chart acting.

That being said, I don't see much future for this relationship. Saturn is only in one tight aspect, a square to Mercury, and a much broader 8* orb square to your Sun. Neither auger well for duration.


Well-known member
Thank u Lithu.

But could it be the Pluto thats pulling us? we kind of come back to each other.... its hard to pull away.

In the synastry there also the heavy Pluto influence, my Pluto square his Venus and Mars, his pluto square my Moon, Mars and Saturn.... thats a whole lot of intensity,whilst some people have to deal with mainly one intense Pluto aspect,or at most two. but this is like Pluto hitting it from all maybe the intense passion is keeping us together? according to the composite thats the only thing there...
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Well-known member
Thank you Lithu. Now the only thing that remains is me trying to forget him. Thats the annoying part...I cna be with other guys but somehow,I cnat forget this one,and I dont hide that its making me feel unsettled...But I guess intensity itself can die if you give it long enough time. it sure worked with him so,...its got to work with me.