help!miserable and sick


Well-known member
Is my itching caused by a food allergy?

I am miserable, hot, itching, rashes that appear and vanish, bumps on hands. I am exhausted, head ache. yuck.
My symptoms have been going on for at least a month and have just gotten progressively worse.
I already follow a strict gluten free diet and have for years.

I am venus in libra in the sixth.
Look at my loaded 6th house.
Moon in pisces in 11th.

I am not really sure how to read this. What would I look at for food? food allergy?



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Well-known member
they are not much help, sadly. My MD grew so frustrated with everything here, he left the area. bummer. I live very rural so there aren't much options.
I have an appointment with the health care clinic I have switched to, but it isn't till november. So I am trying food elimination diet. Prior to all this, I did have blood work run(for other issues) and the only thing that came up was low iron. They can try to squeeze me in earlier if things get worse or I can go somewhere else, but I am awaiting my second Lyme's test, so I want to get that first.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Do you remember the day the symptoms began-or at least the day you first noticed them as significant?

Element-wise the horary indicates excess of fire and air and a deficiency of earth and water; this would tend to support allergic type reactions (from the elemental point of view), possible sub-acute inflammatory actions (fire element), insufficient digestive/metabolic funtions (deficient water) and/or eliminative functions (deficient earth; Venus and Jupiter have to do with liver affinity, and note that Jupiter is rx and Venus is only 11 minutes from entering its detriment sign of Scorpio and is in the term of Mars...


Well-known member
NO, I don't remember when it began. It has been going on for a month and getting increasingly worse, especially this week. I am hot and burning and itchy. Prior to this, in august, i was having some naseau when driving that I believed was from too many nuts. I began to itch a little at the end of august. I cut out the nuts and the carsickness went away.
The itchiness is the same that I experienced from wheat long long ago. I am very careful with wheat and don't even have it in my house.


Well-known member
Dear Fushiafairy,
When I looked at this horary chart I got a certain feeling which showed me the current situation you are in, what you are feeling etc.

The Ascendant is early, showing probably that you still are waiting for the results of some tests. The full 6th house indeed is an indication that we are seeing a person here who is not well. The reason can be allergy, especially when you mention wheat products, but I get another feeling.

You see that Sun, ruler of the 5th, Saturn, ruler of your 10th of career/social surroundings, your future, Mercury, ruler of the 6th and Venus, ruler of all these planets AND your Ascendant.

Venus is in a critical degree at 29° and as Mr. Farr mentioned, about to enter Scorpio, her detriment.
I use intercepted houses, even in horary and as you can see, all of these planets are intercepted.

Then we see Mars in your 5th in Leo, so this Mars is also ruled by that weak Sun in the 6th. The 5th house has to do with children and sexual relationships (in horary astr.). Mars is leaving a square to your Ascendant, and then Jupiter (who rules your 8th, the house representing the emotional support of a spouse or others in a relationship). This could have been about 8 month ago (8° counting from the Asc.) which makes me think that around that time something, to do with a relationship (I dont know if you are married or are/was in a relationship) or to do with a child or a sexual matter as well as maybe a death (Jupiter, ruler of 8) of someone, could have upset you in such a way that you became ill. "Something is itching you" and you cannot let it go (what happened) because the planets are intercepted and intercepted planets have difficulty in releasing their energy.

It can also have something to do with a legal matter, other people's money (inheritance). Money you thought would come to you was blocked by someone else (Mars, ruler of 7th) (Jupiter retro and Mars who squared Jupiter).
Your selfworth or finances could be affected (Mercury ruling also the 2nd) but Mercury is not in too bad a situation as it is in it's own house and term at 22°Libra.

What I think is that there is a lot of pent-up anger (showed by Mars who has been in square with your Ascendant ) which needs to be released and things to be talked out.

Maybe I am totally wrong here, but I would very much like to know in how far I am wrong (or who knows, right).

Hope this shed some light on your problem. Somehow I dont feel it is caused by an allergy.

All the best, Starlink
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Well-known member
Thank you STarlink for your interpretation.

YES, I did go through some trauma in a relationship, 8 months ago was near the end of it. It didn't end till April though. Could it have triggered some health crisis, absolutely. I have put effort into healing though. I actually like myself more, am more emotionally stable, and happier than I have been in ages. :love:
But there are still emotionally charged issues I am dealing with that have been lingering for years now. YES, it has to do with joint legal issues(a divorce that is lingering) And sometimes I have angry bitter moments.
Yes, my finances were impacted, but I am okay.
Of course all of it was intertwined and I have been left to sort it all out.

I have had health issues on and off my entire life. It is such a drag.

Currently, I am less itchy, fewer hives. I am on a limited diet. Will keep you posted.
Thanks again.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Another excellent and insightful Starlink delineation-which is typical.

I would add that your financial/job related concerns and anxieties (mentioned in other threads) probably have been/are playing a role in your current health problems, and providing a source of some of the "itchiness" which Starlink referred to.

From the horary, it could be that the root of any allergic-type reactions is dificiency of the liver (Venus, Jupiter) in completely breaking down proteins, coupled with a deficiency (energetic deficiency) in the kidney (Libra) elmination of these breakdown products of metabolism. So attention to tonification of liver and kidney function could play an important role for your improved health. Such natural products as the herbs Milk Thistle (liver affinity) and Nettle (kidney affinity), might prove of supportive value in your case: when elimination through kidneys is not all it should be, oftentimes the skin eliminative channel is chosen by the system, which then causes all types of skin irritations, rashes, eczema, etc. Additionally, homeopathic remedies such as Apis mellifica 6x (also kidney affinitive) and Chelidonium 6x (liver affinity) could be considered, to aid liver and kidney tonification.

For the significant emotional component, the Bach Flower Essences should be considered-these remedies are entirely selected upon emotional/psychological indications, the Essences for worry, frustration, anger, should be investigated.


Well-known member
thank you for your recommendations Dr. Farr.
I am seeing a homeopathist on Thursday. One of her primary focuses is on Food and environmental intolerances. She thinks I have been contaminated by wheat somehow, in some processed food I have been eating.
I am still awaiting for my second Lyme's test results to return.

Yes the job thing, I ended up quitting with the desire to work out my notice, but on top of all of this I got a virus. My son is home sick from it too.

Neptune has been on a very long transit through my sixth house and finally leaves next year. :w00t: I am not suprised to see some nasty issues return before Neptune leaves.:devil:


Well-known member
Thank you Fushiafairy for answering my post. I am glad you are feeling a bit better and lets hope that the homeopath can help you further. I agree with Dr.Farr about the Bach flower Essences. They are great. All the other descriptions are way over my head, Dr.Farr is a real expert when it comes to that:), so now you have your answers from both the medical as well as the psychological side. Curious to know what the doctor will come up with.
Wishing you all the very best of health and may Neptune have less influence on your health soon.
