Rahu Mahadasha is at ending phase, still not got married

Name - Shruthi M S
DOB - 17/01/1991
Time - 4:15 PM
Birth Place - Mysore

Currently Rahu dasha is getting end this year december.

I am not finding any progress in my career.

I would like to know when my marraige will happen?? Why is marraige is getting delayed?? I also have dream to travel overseas, Is that possible for me??
How would be the life in coming jupiter dasha?? Thanks


Well-known member


It is still not the right time for marriage. You have Saturn aspecting your 7th house lord, which means marriage is delayed until mid to late 30s.

You also haven't been in the right dasha for marriage. The 7th house rules marriage, so marriage will manifest during the dasha of your 7th house ruler Jupiter.

Jupiter in transit will be in your 7th house when you start your Jupiter dasha on January 10th, 2019. Because the dasha and transit are lining up, there will definitely be a serious relationship in 2019. Because your karmas are blocking you from marriage until your mid 30s, I don't think this Jupiter transit through your 7th will give a marriage, but rather a serious relationship.


Jupiter is the planet that rules your 10th house. As I mentioned earlier, Saturn is aspecting your Jupiter, so career is another area of life that is delayed until your mid-30s.

Has there recently been changes and transformations in the career? Jupiter in transit has been in your 5th house, which is 8 houses from the 10th, so there should have been major changes and transformations in the career environment in 2017.

In transit, Rahu is approaching your 7th and 10th house lord, which will give illusionary fears concerning the career and relationships. You are also currently in a Rahu pryantardasha, so it will make Rahu's transit more impactful.

From March 13th to May 3rd, 2018; you will be a Jupiter pryantardasha. Jupiter will be retrograde in transit during these months, so career will be very important during this time. Mercury will also be retrograding in your 10th during these months.

If you are looking for work, I believe you will have better job prospects between March and May 2018. I use the equal house system, so from this perspective Jupiter is in your 6th house, which means he's aspecting your 10th currently. This transit coupled with the Jupiter pryantardasha should be beneficial for your career this spring.


Well-known member
Saturn owns the seventh house and has exchanged signs with Mars. Therefore marriage will happen late in life.
The major-period of Jupiter has been in operation since 21/July/2016. The time for your marriage starts from March/2021.
There is every possibility of your settling down abroad.