Predicting Upcoming Love Opportunities With Progressed Aspects (& Some Solar Arcs)?


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Predicting Upcoming Love Opportunities With Progressed Aspects (& Some Solar Arcs)?

I *think* I’m seeing some favorable aspects pointing to opportunities for “love,” however interpreting progressed and solar arc aspects are my astrological weakness. I’m hoping someone can help confirm if the aspects I’ve identified will have any influence on the “love/romance” aspect of my life… (Small Side Note: I’m currently single)

Also, this might differ between astrologers, are fixed stars and asteroids taken into account in progressed and solar arc aspects? I tried to keep the orbs tight - less than 3°

7th House Activity:
House Of Relationships/Partnerships/Open Enemies

- Progressed Eros conjunct DC (“Love” Asteroid conjunct Significant Axis) - around 2°
- Progressed Vertex conjunct Natal Pluto (Fated Axis + Planet of Birth/Death/Regeneration?) - around 3°
- Progressed Sun conjunct Natal Jupiter (“Life Force” conjunct Planet of “Expansion”) around 1°

- SA Venus conjunct Natal Sun/Moon Midpoint (“Love” Planet conjunct significant natal midpoint?) - less than 1°
- SA Venus conjunct Natal Pluto (“Love” Planet conjunct Planet of Birth/Death/Regeneration?) - around 1°
- SA Venus conjunct Spica (beneficial fixed star) - less than 1°
- SA Vertex conjunct Natal Sun (Fated Axis conjunct "Life Force”?) - around 3°
- SA Karma conjunct Natal DC and Natal Moon - around 1°

Both Progressed and SA Venus in Natal 7th House/Ruler (Venus)

8th House Activity:
House Of Death (Hopefully "Death" Of My Single Life :joyful:), Rebirth, And Joint Assets

- Progressed Sun conjunct Natal Jupiter (“Life Force” conjunct Planet of “Expansion”) - around 1°
- Progressed Moon changing signs, from Sagittarius to Capricorn: Establishing order, “getting serious,” - less than 1°

Transit (Minor/Long Term) Aspects Just To Note:

- Transit Jupiter is currently passing over my Natal Vertex and will pass over my Natal DC and Natal Moon before retrograding back over these points starting in Feb 2017.
- Transit Uranus has been having a lovely time continuously shaking me “awake" my 1st House for the past couple of years...
- Transit Pluto is also having a fantastic time obliterating my 10th House and MC**

(**Almost lost my father [the epitome of what represents an authority figure in my life] due to a heart attack at the beginning Pluto's retrograde in 2014, I became his primary care giver, which forced me to deal with/confront my power struggles/issues that had strained our father-daughter relationship over the years, which in turn, has regenerated a better relationship between us, as well as forced me to change aspects of myself/my personality with help of the T. Uranus’ 1st House). His health still yo-yo’s but he’s hanging in there, thankfully.

(**Experienced the “death" of my corporate career in which I worked very, very hard for a company only to be laid off due to no fault of my own at the end of Pluto’s retrograde in 2014. I felt like I was constantly being “pushed down” by higher-ups, regardless of how hard I worked - which was to the point of physical and mental exhaustion.
Again, with T. Uranus in my 1st, these Pluto-ific events, has forced me to change aspects of my personalty for the better - not allowing to be taken advantage of, yearning for more freedom. I’m now planning/trying out a totally different career/direction/field than my previous and now self-employed).

But I digress (with the transits tangent)... :whistling:

Progressed and Solar Arcs pertaining to love opportunities? Any insight or corrections would be much appreciated. :biggrin:
Thank you!



Premium Member
Re: Predicting Upcoming Love Opportunities With Progressed Aspects (& Some Solar Arcs

Some interesting ones and I admit I've never heard of these as predictors so can't speak for them. But I'll put in my two cents on what I see.

The experiences you describe are pretty intense by the way, totally Scorpio there :)

The one I've seen repeatedly lead to "something" happening is progressed Moon in aspect to natal or progressed Venus. If I'm not mistaken you'll be a getting a p. Moon - p. Venus sextile right now so actually the next month or so would be an excellent time for things to get started. I can't confirm if this is the aspect as-is or p. Moon to 7th house ruler though as the Moon is the 7th house ruler in my case so it muddles things quite a bit.

Other things being touted include Venus and Mars in the sign they are natally in in your chart (you have them both in conj. in Virgo and they will both soon be in the opposing sign, Pisces), and Jupiter and Saturn both making an aspect to Venus at the same time.

In your case your AC ruler by progression is right now approaching your DC so that could be a trigger for something as well - though you'd end up with someone quite domineering if that was the case.

P. Sun is 3 degrees away from going over Jupiter which should be very nice once the time comes and in the 8th it could indeed come through as a relationship that expands your horizons. P. Venus is some degrees away from the Sun so while that will be potent it will be a while before it comes through.

Definitely keep your eyes open right now though because p. Moon-p. Venus is a really nice one and you're having it.