Read a kids birth chart- Mars square Mercury conj Uranus


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Interesting birth chart- Mars square Mercury conj Uranus

Greetings and many thanks for reading my sons chart.
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I think your son is very perceptive. I think he understands a lot, comprehends a lot. But he might go about processing data in a different way than some of the other students.

The ruler of his 3rd house, which rules the mind and the thinking processes, is the Sun, which is in Aries in the 10th. I think he gets quick flashes of insight but does not like to spend a lot of time trying to figure something out or study it. The trine to Saturn in Leo is a good thing. As he matures he will get better at sticking to a study routine. But Fire is impatient and things may be hit and miss for awhile.

His Mercury, in Pisces in the 9th, shows that he is very intelligent and intuitive. He has Uranus tightly conjunct his Mercury. That is positive and negative. He has flashes of brilliance. Sometimes he immediately grasps a difficult concept. However, if he does not get it quickly, he may just reject the idea of trying to figure it out or listen to a long explanation.

It might be frustrating for the teacher because he might not seem to have a long attention span. Mars square Mercury/Uranus would be very easily distracted and would then distract others with his wit and humor and personality.

Cancer rising may make it difficult for him to ask questions in class or to ask for help. That can be a very sensitive rising sign and line wants to be seen in the best light and is afraid of looking slow or being criticized.

He might become a sweet popular 'class clown' that everyone loves because of his wit and kindness. But it would be better to help him learn how to learn at his own pace. He is very intelligent. It is not a matter of being slow. It is a matter of learning in a different way than the average child does.

I think he can master complex issues, and can understand concepts beyond the
grasp of most kids his age. But the simple routine things may seem hard for him to master and it throws him and he gives up too quickly?

He may need a very good tutor to work with him and help build his mental confidence.


Well-known member
Further to Katy's post, I would add that there is no Earth significance in the chart.
As an example only, this could mean that a logical answer to 1+1+1 might not be as easily forthcoming as how Mighty Mick is going to beat the Transformers:smile: .
The attention span is often present in those charts with harsh aspects between Mercury-Mars-Uranus in air or water, whilst in fixed signs it can become quite forceful because change of any kind is upsetting and not appreciated by the individual.
His Mars-Pluto could lead to pent up anger if he does not verbally express
himself. Intimidating bullying could be an issue with which he is confronted.

A difficulty in youth is often that the child is expected to follow 'a module of behaviour and learning ability'. If a child does not fit into that module, they are the exception to the rule instead of, perhaps, being seen as exceptional in themselves.

The fact that the appointment with the teacher is not immediate would suggest that there is no great issue to discuss.

Sweet Pea

Well-known member
Sun in 10th house likes to be acknowledged as an authority on some subject. With Mercury/Uranus conjunct too, he might just give his teachers the impression that he knows better than they do. He might be right (Mercury/Uranus, as already said, can be brilliant and know things spontaneously that others have to work hard to find out or discover by a long process of reasoning).

But Sun also rules the 2nd house of self-esteem, and there is a trine to Saturn also on the 2nd house cusp and opposite Chiron, representing woundedness or vulnerable feelings, especially when close to Moon.

This could play out in 2 different ways -

1. He gets his self-esteem by imposing his thoughts on others (Saturn is the authority figure that corresponds to the 10th house) and failing to listen to others (peers or teachers)


2. He is doubtful about expressing himself, worries what others will think, has a strong inner Critic and yet, he knows deep down inside that he is most likely 'right'.

I hope the meeting with the teachers is productive in revealing their concerns and proposing workable solutions that will help your little boy's education and social skills.


I see that the learning impediment could be due to Mercury in Pisces in conjunct with Uranus and squaring Mars which is what the others said. He's intelligent but he has trouble putting it out and translating it as he gets quick flashes (Mars in Gemini) but is perhaps too impatient to take a moment and understand it. Your son's chart reminds me of my own. I am also cancer rising with Mercury in Piscis and Aries Sun and while I sometimes struggled with understanding certain things because of impatience (like what the other said) and I also was too shy to ask questions in class, in the end I learned to be more extroverted and now I don't think you can even tell I'm a cancer rising. I have managed to get pretty good grades (9's and 10's) in school, so I wouldn't give up on your son.

Sweet Pea

Well-known member
Thank you for the feedback Deanna.

They seem to be wondering about how much he understands. Of course that first depends on how much he actively listens to. Does he "tune out" after 1 sentence or can he stay actively listening for a whole paragraph? And then, is he really absorbing what the passage/story was about? Can he say afterwards what it was about? Can he discuss it intelligently? Express his own opinion about it? Compare it to another story/character that he knows? Compare it to his own life?

Do you also sit and read with him (him reading aloud or you reading aloud)? And do you then talk about the story, or information, with him?

Some children are naturally more into stories, and some are naturally more into information books with explanatory pictures/diagrams.


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My son passed the reading assessment test.

Yesterday the specialist did a listening assessment test.

She read to my son and then he would have to explain what was told to him.

The learning specialist also observed him in class and watched him and tracked the times he was not paying attention.

I have a conference tomorrow with his teacher so I will know more.

Yesterday I bought some audio books on the internet.
Last night we started listening to the first 3 chapters of 'Mrs. Frisby and the rats of Nimh'
This was my favorite book growing up. Afterwards I am asking him what he learned from the story so far- etc.

My concern is the Mars/Mercury relationship in his birth chart - as well as some studies with the Mars/Jupiter negative aspects for learning issues.

Many thanks for listening.

First of all it is WONDERFUL that he passed the reading assessment. If he can comprehend what he reads then he is in good shape. Lots of kids have trouble with listening. But that can be solved if he is able to read along OR reread it himself later. It is much more problematic when students have issues with reading comprehension.

But even with that, I don't think his Mars/Mercury/Uranus will prevent him from learning and training himself to learn to listen better. It is more of an attention span thing and that can be worked through.

It might be important to limit his 'shortattentionspan' activities like video games and action adventure shows that are quick cutting, short type of things. He may need to train his brain to take the long slow view and listen closely as opposed to having an overwhelming sensation of sights/sounds/colors exploding at once in order to command his attention.

Mars is very ambitious. If he is convinced that it is worthwhile to learn to listen and to raise his comprehension, then he will battle it himself and probably win.


Good read by Katydid.

the merc uranus aspect for kids is often difficult. i have one, and when i was a kid - i often got scolded by teachers for asking "why" also, if things didn't make sense to me instinctively, i would ignore stuff.

non conformists in learning environments don't always do well being part of the herd.
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