Read my chart ?!


New member here
Questions : what is the most significant aspect(s) ( has a huge impact on the native )
Basing on this chart how people perceive this person when they first meet them ? ( scorpio asc/ pluto in 1st and Uranus/mars square Asc )



Well-known member
*Moon in Scorpio -- just behind the Ascendant, being the only Water in the Chart, other than the North Node -- but the North Node represents a goal in life, and endpoint to shoot for, not a current characteristic. So the Moon on Ascendant makes this person express vulnerability, part of this life's goal -- dealing with vulnerability. Probably shy. emotionally.

* The Air trine -- harmonizing social intelectual themes in this persons life with personal Venus, planet of relationships in the house of collective asociations (11th)

* Last place is the rather exact opposition of slow moving, outer planets, which have less personal effect, and express more of the 'era' or cultural effects of the time. Pluto/Chiron opposite Saturn and Jupiter. However Pluto is modern ruler of Scorpio, sign on the Ascendant, therefore Ruler of the Chart, so that raises its influence.

Why do you ask?