Traditional significations of gardening...



I've really been thinking about this lately... Can't figure it out...

The obvious choice is Venus, for aesthetic, and fifth house... but something tells me 4th house, although that may be more modern... Fourth is land though... Any thoughts?

dr. farr

Well-known member
House-wise I would have to go with the 4th as primary; to Venus I would add the Moon; and sign-wise I would emphasize Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces-(and Taurus to an extent)


Senior Member, Educational board Editor
yes, I agree-H4 for *agriculture*...However-I am a keen gardener and I have pisces on h4 cusp.I DO however have a venus ruled sun, and both moon and ascendant in Earth signs.
On the other hand, what we *do* in life is often described by mars-mine is in cap in that could be why I have the gardening interest.


Well-known member
I also have a gardening interest...fruit trees, fruit plants...lots of periannuals..
4th ruled by cancer...moon in virgo in 6th


Well-known member
I have always had a huge interest in gardening and agriculture. Mars in Capricorn rules my 4th house, and is in my 1st, conjunct the Ascendant. I have Venus in Capricorn, ruling the 10th, in my 1st, as well. Moon in Aquarius is on the cusp of the 2nd house.

Ceres is also prominent in my chart. I've followed transiting Ceres for some time now, and food/gardening/agriculture issues always come up for me with these transits. ( as well as Mother Earth vs. the earthly mother type of issues.) I find it interesting that you were wondering about this during a Ceres station. (Ceres stationed retrograde on April 28 at 4'26" Capricorn, and is pretty much still at that degree and arc minute. Ceres Rx is also within orb of a conjunction to Pluto Rx in Capricorn at this time. Moon in Capricorn is applying a conjunction to Ceres, as I write this.

I have Ceres at 17' Pisces in the 2nd, conjunct Chiron. Ceres/Chiron opposes tightly Uranus/Pluto in Virgo in my 8th. This all t-squares the ruler of my 6th house.
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Hmmm. My 4th is Aquarius, with Venus and Mars (conjunct IC) in it, and Saturn in the 3rd in Capricorn. Moon in Leo in 10th. Jupiter in Cancer, Scorpio rising, Mercury in Taurus. But I'm guessing Venus in 4th is a big factor. Aquarius is, however, such a cold and lifeless sign... Pisces is my 5th, by the way...


Well-known member
For some reason I can not open your nativity. I would also look for quindeciles or those things that are connected to talents.

Where is uranus in your chart? I looked for the ruler of my 4th and found it in an earth sign...just wondering.


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I do not take Uranus as the ruler of Aquarius, so... yeah. It's Saturn in my book. But, Uranus is in Capricorn in the 3rd, with Saturn. Haha. :smile: