Rev Dr Reuben Swinburne Clymer


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Page 266

“In ancient symbology there were distinct suns—-the sun at different times, but named as though they were distinctly different entities. Jonah is represented as fleeing from the summer sun and is found among the storms of winter, until he is swallowed up by the sea monster.

Here he called upon God from the belly, or from hell, and as will be noted, the winter solstice finds him down in the depths among the fishes; the lowest department of the bottomless pit, where he is compelled to lie still during the three days that end on Christmas morning, exactly in the bowels of the water goat; in close proximity to the constellation of the great whale.”

Okay. With a new consideration, I now have to, observe the myths of my youth. Stories that I was told, that were based on time. For what reason, would we need to shroud the ancient stories? I guess the same as always, power and money.

Looking at the ancient planisphere maps bring new meaning. Seeing the stars, as they wanted us to.


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Page 266

“The ancients celebrated the birth of the sun—-their life giver or means of salvation—-or new year, on our Christmas. Early in the morning the Hierophant or priest exhibited a babe in its cradle to the multitude to denote that their saviour, the New Years sun, was born (reborn). Twelve days after Christmas they had their Epiphany, ie, Epi-Phanes, from Phanes, the Persian name for the sun, because on that day the sun became manifest to the naked eye, indicating that the newly arisen sun had commenced its journey toward the Northern Hemisphere.”

The observances are older than we accredit them. They are repeatedly used, as far back and further than we can grasp.

In the end, it seems we all look to the stars, and see the same thing with different names, but the stories are of the same thing.


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Page 267

“The nativity takes place in September, at the precise period when the sun , having entered Libra, passes below the great toe of the same virgin. Now her earthly career commenced; she, being born of the sun, is preceding from him; emerging from his rays; therefore is sun born—-divine, and it is both right and proper that she should be decreed immaculate; that is, pure, spotless and not one of the common or “fallen “ race. The error is in the making of the heavenly virgin a human creature.”

The last paragraph of the chapter. I like his last paragraphs. The last sentence, why are we, as humans, so insecure with ourselves, that we are intimidated by the skies? Why can we not embrace the movements, and actions without fear? Is it our wanting? Our need to humanize emotion? 🙂


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The last chapter!

Page 270


The Order or Religion of the Heavens

“Carlyle said: “It is through symbols that man consciously or unconsciously lives, moves and has his being. Those ages moreover, are accounted the noblest which can best recognize symbolic worth and prize it at its highest.”

Most of this chapter is of the zodiacal signs.

Above, is the lead in.


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Page 268

“There is no possibility of understanding symbology, myth, allegory, legend, the ancient dramas and writings from whence came the Bible, or sacred literature and Masonry’s dramatization, without beginning with the very dawn of creation and the forty-eight constellations whose boundaries were established, and their corresponding figures drawn around them by the divine teachers of men.

Origen declared that in the time of Enoch the constellations were already named and divided. The Book of Job, the most occult and most ancient of the Bible, speaks of the “sweet influence” of the Pleiades, the bands of Orion, Arcturus and his sons, Behemoth, Leviathan, and the fleeting Serpent of Mazzaroth with its seasons, stations and stopping places.

This is a solar zodiac and, certainly, Job did not consider this a pagan thought, or as belonging to a heathen religion. Astronomy was advanced, if not a perfect science in Job’s day. Modern astronomical scientists have not added anything to the science. Rather, they have brought about confusion and frustration through attempts to measure it by modern methods or present day standards.”

Clymer died in 1966. This book was published in 1951.

I find the first paragraph interesting because it links many things together, that maybe should have been seen as one, but for what I see as territorial divisions, mankind has divided and bastardized the stories to suit their needs, and in doing so, has lost their true meanings and science to the barbaric actions of wars over religion.

As the second paragraph points out, the constellations have been, and were divided long ago, their knowledge reaching beyond their time.

And most heartwarming, that what we now would like to describe as “pagan” or “heathen” are in actuality more accurate and deserve the respect that our past elders showed them.

I was raised Anglican. Sunday school, choir. My Father tried, but he couldn’t believe like my mother, for her. I was an observer at different types of religious summer camps, observing their ways. I was a lifeguard. I was convinced to go to a happening that took a weekend. It was called TEC. When I got there I found out it was called Teenagers Encounter Christ. It was scary. Luckily there were two others summer camp workers there with me and we bonded and banded together, as we were not allowed to leave, and we made it through. I don’t think that religion should be fear and tears. There were other similar things a revival meeting, that I had been told was a concert. Although when I was younger I started to see, things that interested me, astrology, it was not until I was much older that I started to take it seriously.

Now I see clearly, that my beliefs are “pagan” and find it entertaining that the negativity of the word made even me not see that it is not a negative thing. It just is.

That’s all for now, have a good day!
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Page 269

“Although God said: “Let there be light in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years,” nevertheless, we, perhaps thinking ourselves wiser than the creator of the signs, have rejected them as evidence of ignorance and superstition. We have too long regarded ancient symbolism and the religion founded on the DRAMA OF HEAVEN as paganism. Esoteric science and an exposition of the greater mysteries warn us to recognize the significance of these signs, for from them we may learn that the phenomena alluded to by Matthew foretell the changes of the ages taking place approximately every two thousand, one hundred and forty five years, when the/ our sun passes into a new constellation.”

The whole of the universe. Dedicated to time and timekeeping. Dedicated to a perfect clock that never needs corrections. Working in hours, minutes and seconds, with unerring beauty.


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Page 270

“Elimination of the false constellations, which modern astronomers have attempted to add to the original forty-eight, shows us that these supposedly grotesque figures tell a story. This story as dramatic prophecy, existed throughout long ages, while man enacted the story individually, racially, and as a pilgrim seeking for something he knew not what.

The story or divine drama, the ancients wisely divided into twelve great “books” with forty-eight “chapters.” These “books” are the twelve zodiacal signs which, with the Decans of three minor constellations to a sign, make up the “chapters.””

Well? I think this is pretty cool! For ages, and ages. It makes me interested in what the last age of Pisces was like. As Clymer has stated, all of the representatives of the ages, are the same. As we war over religion and kill in the name of him, we belittle the greatness of the whole. He or she or entity is accepting of all its creations. All its mammals and fishes, feel the effects of the universe or God upon them.


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Page 271

“The time for “reading” or enactment, of the heavenly drama was determined, NOT BY THE DECREE OF ANY PERSON, but by a PREDESTINED GOVERNMENT BASED ON ABSOLUTE LAW—-the movements of the sun through the procession of the equinoxes around the mystic and yet little understood Pleiades and Alcyone, the Center of the universe.

Whether we be pagans, heathens or Christians, we can not deny that man’s earthly fate was determined by the movements of these heavenly bodies. Had any planets failed by a second, chaos would have been the result; and, unless there is no law, God himself could not have stayed the destruction.

With each recurring change from one constellation to another, there appears the warning sign of the cross in the sun and moon and, with it, a leader, guide or teacher to reconstruct, purify and remind man of his mission on earth; of the fleeting years of man’s incarcerations and the earth’s closing ages. In each age, these Avatars have met with persecution and crucifixion, in one form or another, and death, under the rule of the Dragon—-the symbol of false teachers, selfishness, power, possession, madness and the evil accumulations of the ages.”

Bit of a mouthful, eh? The mysteries are as they are, and we can’t change it, for in the end if we do, it is the end, as chaos would occur if we were to succeed.

Did you hear the one about we should go out and mine Psyche? Would we be changing the set way? Or is it in the plan? The Bible says we ought not reach for the stars, as The Tower of Babel story foretells. Ultimately, we will fulfill what has been predestined and our resistance to change, is the usual. Our acceptance of the new representative will always be shadowed in fear and anger. And yet the New Age will persevere, and eventually the representative will be lauded their due honours, regardless of how anyone feels. It will be, in its time.

Some may find this disconcerting. Some may find it inspiring. The beauty of this, is free will. The choice to believe in what you choose to believe in, and the right to express it without condemnation. All believers in any set thought pattern, should deserve that right to explore what religion means to them personally.


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Page 271

“The Story”

“The age-old story of the Drama of the heavens is told symbolically in legend and allegory, in the sacred books of times and nations, and in a slightly changed version, in the Christian Bible.

The story revolves around three main characters: 1) The Divine Maid, or church eternal in the heavens. 2) The Serpent, betrayer of good, purveyor of false teachings which deceive all nations, because men are blinded by selfishness. (The Serpent threatens the Maid about to bring forth the child, or Truth that would save.) The Christos, who became man, appearing from age to age, and who becomes the Son of God. Then, as both Son of God and rescuing Knight (Percivale) of the Divine Maid, he frees her from the wiles of the Serpent, drinking always of the Holy Grail, the cup of sacrifice, ere he gives up his earthly vestment upon the cross, at the hands of the evil leaders and betrayers of the people.

The eternal enmity between the Woman, her divine son, (the white Knight) and the Serpent—-whose head they together will eventually crush beneath their heels—-is the main characteristic of the fight of the race, AND OF EACH INDIVIDUAL, for Immortality, by the conquest of ALL THAT IS EVIL, BOTH WITHIN and WITHOUT themselves. In this is depicted the great Master of which the heavens are constantly telling us.”

I have felt this way for a very long time. Felt that the pole stars and their stars, the circle, were a story, were a timeline, were “that house not made of hands eternal in the heavens”. It is very cool, reading someone who reads true, with my own thoughts. It is not often that that occurs, and he’s dead, guess there won’t be any meeting him this lifetime.

The story goes round and round, divided in sectors, yearly, and by the ages. Kept track of in the sky, for those that have eyes, and the want to see.
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Page 272

“Here we find the origin of the symbolism which is interwoven throughout the Old Testament as the history of men and individuals, and in the New Testament as the living acts of men and of prophecies and promises made. It is the source of all so called pagan myths, but, fortunately, was not, is not, a myth, as at least every astronomer knows, because the “play” is constantly before their eyes.

In the unsealing of the mysterious movements of the stars all religions meet, though in a different tempo: Ancient Egyptian, Chaldean, Assyrian, Arabic, Hindoo, Druidic, Zoroastrian, Peruvian, Aztec, Greek, Roman and Toltec; all speak one universal language of the Soul’s striving for ever-lasting life.”

I know astronomers. They do not see anymore, as Clymer observed. The ones I know, do not see the repeated dance, that their eyes see as the story of divinity. They hold their schooling as astronomers, higher above the astrological world, in their learned ignorance, they dismiss astrology as myth, and their observances, as “science”, elevating their intelligence above the fortune tellers.

That is a problem with the learned. They are taught what to learn, and they are very good at mimicry, but, fall to the same superstitious lore that the rest of the people generally do. When asked if they believe in religion, they say they do, and even though they see the dance in the sky through the constellations, they do not see the big picture. It is dismissed with a roll of the eyes.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.


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Page 272

“We read in the stars the origin of Isis and Osiris, Perseus and Andromeda, Typhon the Serpent, the Virgin, Joseph and the Christos; the story of Hiram Abiff and his three traitors; Saint George and the Dragon; the rites of Mithra and the mass of the Roman church, as well as the first presentation of the drama of all ages, races and civilizations.

All this applies to life of the individual man, as it must if he, as an individual, is to be “saved.” The story is a portrayal for each human being as potentially Christic; who, as a Soul Spark, came from God as a Divine Spark that, through the struggles with the Serpent (earthly-carnal temptations) through ages of incarcerations, must be built or brought to consciousness.”

The ages continue, as we resist, the “new” representative of any new age. The idolatry of the Golden Bull of Taurus and the beginnings of the Age of Aries. The Age was changing, and the people were resistant. People are resistant, they are taught to fit in. It is hard to stand alone, when your society, whichever one it is, has its beliefs. As the saying goes, “when in Rome...”


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Page 273

“All this applies to the life of the individual man, as it must if he, as an individual, is to be "saved." The story is a portrayal for each human being as potentially Christic; who, as a Soul Spark, came from God as a Divine Spark that, through struggles with the Serpent (earthly-carnal temptations) through ages of incarnations, must be built, or brought into consciousness.
To tread the Serpent under the heel, to recognize the Divine Maid, and become her knight errant, or Sir Percivale, to bring forth the sleeping Christ os in the Soul, beset by temptations and traitors, is the part that must eventually be played by every actor in the grand drama.
Each actor enters the strife when he "falls" or makes the descent from "on high" into matter. With each incarnation he "falls" again; struggles for a short time, symbolically returns to
"His Father's house" to rest—again to hear the call; drink of the waters of Lethe, or forgetfulness —and re-enters the earth plane once more for another lesson in the warfare against the Serpent and its evils. At last, if finally defeated by the Serpent, his Soul returns to the God who gave and his personality dies the eternal death; for not written: "The Soul [personality] that sinneth, shall die." But the Soul victorious, attains Immortality, Consciousness of its Godhood, then: "Even greater works than these shall ye do" in the Divine Drama of the Ages and men.”

The stellar drama. Observed, and yet somehow, not really seen. Repetitive, so simply that we do know the motions, but the interpretations are not necessarily what we have been lead to believe.

The actors. Us. The planets. The zodiacal signs. The houses. All, are a part of the play.