Will he contact me within the next 24 hours?


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I haven't heard from the man in question regarding plans this Saturday. There is still behind the scenes nonsense going on from his best friend's wife (I'll keep it to that for now).

Will he contact me within the next 24 hours? If not, I need to decide how late I will accept a message from him regarding meeting Saturday or if i should make other plans. Last week I contacted him on Thursday when I had not heard. I really do not want to do this every week -- not even in dating terms but platonically speaking, I'm the odd man out in their cultural group and maybe he doesnt want to spend time with me. I feel better if i'm invited rather than asking what their plans are. So again:

Will he contact me within the next 24 hours?

p.s. Edited to add: if there are other things we can learn about *her scheming* from this chart, please feel free to comment. I am not sure if Mars/Venus so close to each other is good or bad in the 7th...also with those planets lined up in the 6th, what that is.


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From what I can guess: I am the moon and Venus? Or the moon and something else (I never understand how to choose the significator). The moon is w/in 17 degrees of the Sun so it is weakened.

The other planets in the 6th also under the sunbeams are weakened, but i dont know who/what they signify.

There are no early ascendants or combust/void of courseness going on. I am pretty sure the chart is readable.

dr. farr

Well-known member
(Following is not in accordance with standard horary practice and uses whole sign house format)

I hope my delineation is incorrect.

No, he will likely not contact you within the next 24 hours:
-his 3rd house of communications (3rd from 7th) house is Capricorn under Saturn; Saturn is combust Sun in cadent 6th house (6th house of chart from asc perspective) = - testimony
-querent's 3rd house (3rd from asc) is in Cancer-positing the Dragon's Tail (South Node) = automatic - testimony from this house
-his romantic throughts re to querent are positive (Pisces in 5th from 7th) with Jupiter strong by domicile and position (over-all chart's 11th house of friendship and the Good Spirit) however Jupiter is rx indicating self-conflict over those thoughts and feelings, and with Uranus rx in near-partile conjunction with Jupiter rx, both planets posited in this same 5th (from him as romance house)/11th (from asc as house of friendship, etc), this might mean that he is specifically refraining from direct, sudden action (Uranus has direct, sudden action; its rx status might indicate refraining from such action) toward the querent, relative to romantic actions and overtures toward her.



Well-known member
Well Katya, it seems like his thoughts are there, with you. Even though conflicted... LOL, I'm rooting for you!
Maybe you should ask a question pertaining to the intentions of his friend's wife? I wonder why she is trying to sabotage this?
Have you just tried talking to her?


Well-known member
Everytime you ask a question about a relationship you are the 1st house ruler and the other person is the 7th house ruler.

Its up to you if you use traditional house rulers or modern house rulers, I personally think traditional house rulers are best when it comes to horary.

You have co-ruler and that is Moon, but it also shows what has happened and will happen.

On top of all this sometimes if they are not taken already, the female in the chart can use Venus as another co-ruler and the man can use Mars as a co-ruler. (In your chart they are already taken)

First I look to the 1st house ruler and the 7th house ruler to see if they will be coming into contact... in the case of your chart (you) Venus and (him) Mars will not be in contact in the future (or until Venus leaves the sign that it is in).

Next I look to see if Moon makes contact with either you (Venus) or him (Mars). The common aspects are only used and Moon doesnt make an aspect to Venus or Mars in the future.

So I would say a No from these two strong points.

You are also talking about contact so I would look the your 3rd house, and his 3rd house (which is your 9th house) to see if the rulers of these houses are making contact with Venus and Mars, and again they are not.

So it looks like there are 4 No's.

Something you could look at would be the Moon applying to Mercury, which is the planet of communcation... but in the chart it is the ruler of your 2nd house. Not sure why that would be the next focus for you... but you might work it out.


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Thank you everyone for the replies. I really appreciate this help. More than you can possibly know.

Baha -Everything the wife is doing is subversive - the reason is very very clear so there's no point in asking her. She has the idea that by preventing us from being together she can keep him for herself (despite the fact that she is married). She is not in love w/her husband, and announced that to me promptly, and I am a threat to her ability to line up her "husband number three" in this guy. It's jealousy being thwarted and directed into a destructive attempt to sabotage this budding relationship: ie if she cannot have him, no one else will. Although in her 30s she has the social maturity of a teenager.

Regardless, talking to her is not going to make him call me.

Dr. Farr, to date your testimonies are usually on target. I feel there's no reason this one won't also be correct. I did want to confirm what you said about Jupiter/Uranus -- is there *romantic* interest/thought here or just *friendship*? Is that where the conflict lies? I mean maybe he is just not attracted to me, but he "likes" me like a third grader?

I can't sleep for this issue makes me sick to my stomach but so far there's not a word from him. I don't understand what his conflicting ideas about me would be -- i mean i understand them existing but there hasn't been any contact and I can give 4 reasons off the top of my head why he could now contact me.

This is just horrible. :crying:

Kerrie, Mercury in 2nd house =of Finance. I dont have the money for these sessions on Saturdays (my financial situation is horrible now), but would spend it again if i heard from him. I wanted to arrive *after the lesson* this coming week (if he had contacted me) and ask to use his equipment to practice, and then hang out with the 3 of them if they had such plans. However, since i contacted him last week i really can't see doing so again this week.
I can't be begging to join the group.

One thing -- I kept an arm guard accidentally after the last class bc i forgot i had it on. The instructors left, i noticed it, told Mr Guy, and he said its okay you can bring it next week. When he dropped me off, he asked if I wanted him to hold onto it for me and I said sure. So he has it now. He overheard me telling one instructor that i was interested in coming back repeatedly. However this is a cultural group, he gave me a ride there, and its VERY AWKWARD for me to ask if they're going (even only on a platonic friendship level). It was bad enough doing so last week... Again if he or they do not want me there, I can take a hint. I'm not sticking my neck out repeatedly, as painful as this is.

But anyway he has the arm guard now. As an example, he could email to ask if i'm going and can he/should he bring it, but i guess that is a stupid thing to do in the world of men. Duh, he will bring it anyway and if i'm not there, give it back to them.

I can only imagine what the wife has told him to create the conflicted feelings... Sky is the limit.

Kerrie, can you, judging from the chart, comment on when (in hours or days) Venus will leave its current sign and when the Moon will make an aspect? Also -- why is this the most important? I mean I can contact him at any point but what I'm interested in his contacting me -- so in that case, wouldn't the question be when does Mars leave its current sign and when does the Moon aspect it (??)
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In desperation (and because I only asked about THursday) I am asking about Friday now. Will he contact me at all before Saturday? (before the lesson)?

Not sure if this chart is valid or not, but it seems the same as the other one, just shifted into different houses...

And just a note: if he doens't contact me this week, and I don't go to the lesson, then what? It puts a huge rift between us... And makes it doubly awkward in my view...


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He sent a group email to the three of us just about ten minutes ago. It was a forwarded email from the Sports Center about plans for the lesson (which said nothing except RSVP if you're coming; so they can have enough rental equipment).

I do not know if i should reply only to him, or to the group (then "the wife" will see my message -- probably the last thing i want).
(if i'm going to pay/attend lesson, i will let the Sports Center know of course)

I dont know if i should go in general. I want to see him... Ideally i want to show up *after* the lesson and socialize with the group...but that seems like asking/pushing a lot. but it is cheaper for me (no payment involved) and i wont look like a zombie bc i wont have to get up when its the crack of dawn on a Saturday. (Oh the things we do for love..)

I did not expect this sort of underhanded non-message. But it goes in line with Dr Farr's testimony: he doesnt want to make sudden moves, so this is contact, but indirect, bc its not just sent to me, and there's no invitation *to me per se*.
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Can I ask a chart that is posed as a "what if" question? I am guessing with Horary it has to be Yes/No...?

My girlfriends are telling me not to go, bc its too easy for him, he wont ask me out if i'm showing up unbidden (and last minute). ANd he already knows i am, and his emails are getting more impersonal not less (True).

Another friend however sees him as a long slow project, that i should develop friendship with (platonic) and after time he will shift into romance. when he sees/learns i am constant and nonthreatening. (Given his fears and Dr Farr's comments/reading on that ponit).

I dont know which is more risky -- from what i have read, the second option is more risky but TO ME it makes more sense bc it is safer, it feels easier rather than saying "no" when I am not being asked out formally in a romantic fashion.

I also am torn -- if i go, is it too much to say i can't make the lesson but can meet up afterwards if they're still there...

Torn and torn.


Well-known member
No he's not married. He *was* married. He's divorced and lives alone. I've been to his house. Where do you get that he is married? From what planets??

dr. farr

Well-known member
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe SagiCap got that idea from the discussions in the posts.

My 2cents worth:
-go ahead and contact him as you described above, ie, contacting him personally (not via the group)
-inform him that you are going, and then go
-if his actions (NOT words, emails, but actions!!) do not soon turn at least somewhat more direct and show at least a modicum of movement along more romantic lines, then forget about it.


Well-known member
Ooooohhhhh. Because I was writing "the wife"? No - that's not his wife, ha ha, but i see how it could have been mistaken as such. :)

I plan to email him alone.


I realize I dont want to go to the lesson, I want to show up afterwards -- beauty sleep... (without mentioning that reason!)


Well-known member
Oh....Okay, no. "The Wife" is his best friend's wife. I had mentioned that in another thread -- sorry for not being clearer. No he is 300% not married and of that i'm sure.

dr. farr

Well-known member
YAY! Ok. This is what I would do. NOT reply and GO. LOL! Good luck!

Actually, I like this suggestion better than mine! I now join SagiCap in making this recommendation (you have got to stir things up-the horary indicates that he is not going to because of self-conflicted thoughts and fear of taking any Uranus-like actions; so, if you want to make a realistic determination if there is anything there, you've got to do it)


Well-known member
Ok that's an option I had not though of. Are you serious?

That's exactly what I'd do. The message would be - you don't need to answer to him (he didn't answer you). You can go and do what you please without depending on him and you don't need him. If he feels you are not interested, just watch what happens.


Well-known member
But all this is going to show him is that I"m going to the lesson independently at the crack of dawn and i'm not interested in him, per se, but the sport.

At least that's the message I would get if i were him. Esp if i dont reply to his (group) email.

I saw it as his instructor emailed him and that was a perfect innocent prompter/impetus for him to email me (the group). Message being he's thinking of us (My name was first in the list too, that he typed in the "send to" field. Just saying!) and wanted to initiate contact in a non-direct/non urgent (was it Jupiter you said?) manner.

So why is just showing up unannounced best?