Question about significators etc


Well-known member
Hi Purplemaze,

It depends on how the question is presented. If *you* asked the question about your brother, then yes, you correctly chose the 3rd house for him.

If *he* asked the question, and you wrote down the time/place/etc., then he is given to the 1st house.

For legal queries, it also depends on the question. If it involves a judge or courtroom or 'the law' as an abstract, then it's the 9th house.

If it involves the *application of the law* and/or a judgment, then it is the 10th house. The 9th rules the lawmakers, the 10th the enforcers, if you see what I mean.

Also, if you had the impulse to turn the chart (e.g. for 'his 9th house or his 10th house), don't. Use the radical chart, and the radical 9th or 10th. Law is law, not 'his law' or 'your law'. If you didn't have this impulse, well done!:p

Hope this helps,


Well-known member
So he will have to go before the judge but a conjunct is positive? so things will turn out okay?

It depends on the question, Purplemaze!:p We don't have a clear question posted so cannot answer. What we can suggest is that perhaps the question involves shared assets or debt of some kind (Sun rules 8th house) and the Moon's next aspect is to sextile the Sun; a positive aspect if the question requires a positive answer. The Moon then immediately conjuncts Jupiter, your brother's significator, bringing the Sun to Jupiter, followed by the Sun itself sextiling Jupiter.

Keep in mind that both the Moon and Jupiter are very poorly placed; the Moon is detrimented and Jupiter in fall, weakening their ability to act, but this may also be descriptive of the 'state' your brother is in.

Is this helpful?
