Here we go, NFL predictions


Well-known member
i would be surprised if the kick off was before 6:35 pm EST and it may be a few minutes later than that. POF moves quickly and some people use the night formula after sunset.
i am not sure who the designated home team is for this neutral site game and i have no idea which team will have any type of home field advantage.
from my experience, you cannot count on any one aspect, such as POF OPP MO, or any other single factor to point to the winner. it just is not that simple. instead, you must try to weigh all of the factors and determine which team, if any, seems to have an overall astrological edge.
Last 5 Superbowl kick off times (local time zones)
6.30 pm
5.34 pm
6.31 pm
6.31 pm
4.30 pm

Using 5.31 pm would seem to be the most likely kick off time for New Orleans, LA

dr. farr

Well-known member
First prediction for this Sunday: using the 1/7 Part of Fortune model, indication using this model is that Baltimore Ravens will win the 3/03/13 superbowl game.
I'll post indications from the other 2 models I have been testing, tomorrow (Saturday, 2/02/13)


New member
Hi everyone,
How about an event chart for this game in New Orleans? 5:30 pm
Sagittarius is house 5, which indicates 1st kick.
Jupiter ruler of 5th,in tenth , angular, is victory.
Colors for Jupiter? Dark Blue...
Close game with Mars also angular applying pressure square from 7th, but barely squeezing energy from Mercury here in Mars Terms but entering detriment as it changes signs, see the energy shift? From being in Mars Term at 27 degrees in Aqua to the pull of Pisces ( Jupiter!), in Venus Term. Venus throws a Bquintile pass to Jupiter. It could mean a good first half for the 49ers but..Mercury dispositor and fortified by the Angular Jupiter...will hurt Mars.Mars here is strong in triplicity but before it
gets to jupiter, it gets bogged down by Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter rules.Look at Chiron waiting to reap a big time injury on the "red" team, Mars being taken via Trine to Saturn in 4th end game with a fallen Moon there. Moon between a rock ( Saturn) and a hard place ( Node). Fallen in Scorpio. Who rules it?
The Red planet. major color for the Sf 49ers.
Jupiter in Mercury's term, Jupiter in own Face. bad boy behavior in detriment.
Naughty team Ravens.

So? If the Ravens lose...please show me what I missed.
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dr. farr

Well-known member
Baltimore Ravens win the 2013 superbowl 34 to SF's 31.

In my other 2 experimental models (the "name/4-9" model and the "ascendant/name" model) indications were too close to call for either team; only the "Part of Fortune" model clearly indicated the Baltimore win.


New member
Well i did go to a Super Bowl party in San Francisco. It was a thrill to watch the game after posting my prediction. To see Jupiter's dark blue in motion and manifesting as Ravens. The planetary frequency at work in real time. Very cool.
Also at the party there were a couple of people who bet and lost money on SF 49ers...
Even as the 49ers seemed to turn the game, I sat cool, knowing the outcome.
A couple of things though, 5th house 1st kick ,an aphorism I have read but have
not studied it, 1st kick , then have the ruling planet of that house be in 10th
would have in principle clinched the winer's identity. Not in this case for the
49ers did get 1st kick but lost the game. So i decided to go for colors once I
spotted Mars going for Jupiter and followed that energy.
Also my prediction that the 1st half would be good for the Mars/49ers. It did
not. They rallied after that.

Dr. Farr , I would like to ask you to delineate in some detail the 1/7 Part of Fortune model if you feel like it, to break it down so we can understand how you came to point the Ravens as the winners.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Dr. Farr , I would like to ask you to delineate in some detail the 1/7 Part of Fortune model if you feel like it, to break it down so we can understand how you came to point the Ravens as the winners.

In this experimental model (which is still in its testing infancy, having been tested only in 100 games as of this date):
-the home team is taken as lord of the 1st house (and if the game is held in a location other than the home of the teams involved, then the team with the highest number of wins is allocated to the 1st house)
-the visitor team is taken as lord of the 7th house (and in the above instance the team with the lesser number of wins is allocated to the 7th house)
-the Part of Fortune (calculated according to day or night formula as appropriate) is located
-whichever significator planet (ie either the planet dispositor of the 1st house or of the 7th house) is closest by sign to the sign holding the Part of Fortune, is selected as the winning team
-if both significator planets are equally distant (by sign) from the sign in which the POF is located, then the planet which is approaching the POF is selected
-if both significator planets are in the same sign, then the closest of the 2 planets by degree to the POF is selected.
An extremely simple method! So far in its testing it's results have been 66 correct win predictions and 34 incorrect predictions, for a net of +32%; however, it is very early in the testing process, so we'll have to see what develops by the time it reaches 500 test games.


New member
Dr. Farr thank you for your reply

Ok, Interesting. Is the chart timed for 1st kick off?
or what if PofF is sending a good aspect flow to the significator farthest from
itself ? As for the wrong percentage , was it clear to you what tipped the scales?
In general, on the thread it seemed to me that to bring out all these individual charts of teams, coaches, players seemed too convoluted. Plus, one individual
chart, say, of a player would be lost in the sheer number of other players
frequencies. So it is best as a body, a team. But again, a Team's chart also
brings doubts as to exactitude of its "birth".

It would indeed be a thing of beauty to come up with a winning formula.


Well-known member
Dr. Farr thank you for your reply

Ok, Interesting. Is the chart timed for 1st kick off?
or what if PofF is sending a good aspect flow to the significator farthest from
itself ? As for the wrong percentage , was it clear to you what tipped the scales?
In general, on the thread it seemed to me that to bring out all these individual charts of teams, coaches, players seemed too convoluted. Plus, one individual
chart, say, of a player would be lost in the sheer number of other players
frequencies. So it is best as a body, a team. But again, a Team's chart also
brings doubts as to exactitude of its "birth".

It would indeed be a thing of beauty to come up with a winning formula.
agreed, friend, it would be a thing of beauty....but, unfortunately it is a thing of endless charting and observation and so on and so on....
the nearest thing of relevance i can find to represent a team in one chart is to use the head coach's chart, since he is the man of record. usually have to work from solar charts tho..

dr. farr

Well-known member
In my various experimental models, I have always used the team as a whole (as a unit) I am not saying that other approaches (using the coach, or star players, etc) as focal points is wrong, but I personally have been attracted to the "whole team as a unit" being the subject of the aqstrological investigation.

Regarding the 1/7Part of Fortune model, I do not use aspects in this model, just signs and relationship of the placement of the significators to the POF (in 2 other models I use, such as the "4/9 Name" model, I do take aspects involving the significator "points" in delineative considertion)

dr. farr

Well-known member
In this experimental model (which is still in its testing infancy, having been tested only in 100 games as of this date):
-the home team is taken as lord of the 1st house (and if the game is held in a location other than the home of the teams involved, then the team with the highest number of wins is allocated to the 1st house)
-the visitor team is taken as lord of the 7th house (and in the above instance the team with the lesser number of wins is allocated to the 7th house)
-the Part of Fortune (calculated according to day or night formula as appropriate) is located
-whichever significator planet (ie either the planet dispositor of the 1st house or of the 7th house) is closest by sign to the sign holding the Part of Fortune, is selected as the winning team
-if both significator planets are equally distant (by sign) from the sign in which the POF is located, then the planet which is approaching the POF is selected
-if both significator planets are in the same sign, then the closest of the 2 planets by degree to the POF is selected.
An extremely simple method! So far in its testing it's results have been 66 correct win predictions and 34 incorrect predictions, for a net of +32%; however, it is very early in the testing process, so we'll have to see what develops by the time it reaches 500 test games.

After testing the above method through 300+ contests, I have concluded that the method is only minimally successful: its results eventually fell to only +6%, which is below my minimal criterion (+10%), so, I have discarded this method.

The 4/9-Name method, which I have outlined elsewhere, continues @ a +18% return level (ie, 59% correct result predictions), through nearly 900 test contests as of this date; it appears that the 4/9-Name method might well be a reliable sports predictive model...