No planet in 7th house. No love life?


The cusp of your 7th house is in Taurus, which may give you clues about your life partner, business partner. Taurus is a fix, earth sign => stable partner, beautiful. If you are not married, then check your 5th house.
If you don’t have planets in the 7th house it’s ok.
However, the ruler of your 7th house is Venus, which is located in Scorpio (water, fix and very intense sign), also conjunct Pluto (1st house) which may require some sort of inner transformation. Therefore your relationship may transform your feelings, and then the way you see the outside world.
Moreover, you could feel limits in terms of relationship because Saturn transited your natal Venus.

Because you have the ASC in Scorpio you may like to see Scorpio January 2017 – Astrology Forecast

Best regards,

I got my reading from some astrologers . They said my spouse is Mars. I dont know.


Well-known member
My error.. sorry!.. I thought if a person have a love affair (not important) for a short time, like a month.. we should look the 5th house.. thanks for the correction. Can you recommend me some book?

No problem.

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Houses and Aspects

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