Significators in the same house but with no Aspect to each other?

Hi, I have drawn a horary chart ( Regiomontanus house system as recommended) to understand if the outcome of my project will be fruitful. My project is creative, intended to be digital and involves teammates such as a group project. 11th house in Gemini as the quesited.

I have also asked my husband's help in initiating the project who could in fact be of great help based on his prior experience in the said fields. My experience only may not be enough.
- The two significators are in the same Angular House - 4th ( Mercury ruler of the 11th and Sun ruler of the ASC) . Both significators are peregrine in their signs but in an Angular House. They are 12 degrees and almost 50 mins apart, Mercury in applying aspect behind the Sun.
- Sun also makes a trine to to 9th house cusp which is Sun's house of Joy, this cusp is the same degree /sign of my natal Moon sign and the Moon is in this 9th house in the horary chart.
- Sun also happens to my natal chart's Final Dispositor ( all other planets finally lead to the Sun in Leo in 10th in my natal chart) so this signifiactor really resembles me as a Leo Sun Sign. Also the project is creative therefore a Leo ASC seems to be very implying and suitable for this question.
- In 11th house, the North Node is just on the house cusp, seems very deliberate and nice,
- Now, caution-The Mercury and the Sun even if they are in the same Angular House (4th), they are in two different signs and do not have any aspect if we cant count the 12 degrees and some more minutes a conjunction,
Do you think these two significators work with the help of the Accidental Dignity of the same Angular House placement and the above stated facts? Or should I judge the answer to be a No?

I have additional questions but I should first ask if these significators count.( I dont want to take Moon into account at this stage because even if the ruler of ASC Sun has positive aspects, Moon's aspects are mostly negative. Second Almuten of the 1st house is Jupiter which is in its fall in Capricorn in the 6th H , therefore if the Sun counts or not will be very important).
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