I'm an Aries Moon, but I'm not like my Aries Moon dad.


Seriously, my Aries Moon dad is incredibly grumpy. Like whenever I want to ask him something, he'll snap at me and start yelling. If I want to buy something, he'll snap at me for that as well. And when he wakes me up, he barges into my room and starts screaming "GET OUT OF BED!!!"

But he really REALLY gets when he's trying to fix something. Like his face turns beat red when things aren't going his way (e.g when the TV won't turn on), and then he'll start to take out his anger out on me by yelling and yelling and yelling!!! He's also very impatient and tends to rush me every time I'm getting ready for school, even when we're not even late!

Dude, I'm an Aries Moon as well, but I'm NOTHING like him AT ALL!!! Sure, I admit I DO have a bad temper at times, but I'm rarely ever grumpy, unless I was having an extremely bad day. The only thing we have in common is that we're both impatient, LOL!!!

Anyways...I don't think it has anything to do with his Aries Moon. I think he's just going through "male menopause", the time when testosterone levels start to drop at old age. And as a result, it can make a man grumpy. Thank goodness I'm still young and fresh!!!

Btw, my dad is a double Aries. He has Sun and Moon in Aries.

[removed the swearing - Moderator Note: Do NOT insert swear words into your posts]
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Well-known member
Unfortunately, you can't take a single chart element in isolation, and know anything particularly useful.

You might start by looking for aspects to the moon, and what Mars is doing.
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Well-known member
All I can say, is his fear lies in lack of control of situations, which I do not see as being truly representative of his moon alone. He simply wills to always see himself in control. It is forgivable. You could consider it narcissistic, but it is a forgivable human insecurity.

You will need to present yes, a chart dear.


Well-known member
I would also be curious about how you are. Have you passed your first Saturn Return yet? This is when the real gelling of personality happens. Perhaps you will find yourself reacting more like him as you age. Just a thought.

My dad is a Sagittarian moon much like myself. We are a lot alike in some regards, but also very different in how we handle things. I tend to have the philosophical side come out when I get upset and can sort of defuse my own tension relatively easily. This is a learned skill though! I have not always been that way.

My father (especially the older he gets) is just a miserable person to know and be around. He never got a grip on his anger and came to terms with the causes. Instead he explodes more readily over the little nothings in life than ever.

Interestingly, we are both Saturn ruled suns. He's an Aquarius and I am a Capricorn. I think perhaps, the 'let me be' attitude of Aquarius allows him to feel justified in his behavior. He answers to no one, plain and simple. Being a Capricorn sun though (Saturn squared from the ascendant at that), I have felt compelled to sort out my issues so that I can continue to forge ahead.

My brother is also a Sag. Moon, but is literally insane. So, with our tiny little case study, it's obvious that you can't judge an entire situation by one element. No matter how integral that element may be.


No planetary position is designated to express itself the same across the board. I'm a Pisces Moon like my mother and we're nothing alike.

My mom is trusting and gives into mushy emotional stuff and she is very soft hearted. When she gets frustrated, she'll scream and yell making it unbearable for everyone around her. I'm not even remotely like that, not even on a bad day. I'm very suspicious of everyone, including family members and friends. I keep my emotions locked up and private and if I'm feeling frustrated, I go to the gym and stay there longer doing more than usual. I work out my emotions in my brain and release it through physical exercise.

Like you, my mom has Leo Sun, Virgo Rising, Virgo Mars so she'll roar and nitpick whenever she wants/needs to. I'm Gemini Sun and we're an elusive breed. I find my mother's way of expressing her Pisces Moon to be overbearing and harsh on the senses. She finds my way of expressing Pisces Moon to be secretive and disconnected. That's just how it goes.